Sinister TikTok and Beyond: Letters to the Editor – March 5, 2023

TikTok tyranny
Ricky Schlott hits the spot again with her candid and truly frightening description of the evil China’s TikTok is perpetuating against our youth (Alternative Facts, PostScript, Feb. 26).

In this situation, the question arises: will we not be defeated from within by external forces that could be curtailed? Don’t American parents care about their children? Who is in charge?

Samuel Frazier, Fort Myers, Florida.

inspirational scott
What a great, direct, insightful piece about choosing faith, responsibility, and patriotism over anger, resentment, and pity (“Proof the Left is Wrong About America,” Tim Scott, PostOpinion, March 1).

Senator Scott’s spiritual foundation came from his family, which is so important to the development of any young person.

Unfortunately, this support is too often lacking for many children, especially children from disadvantaged backgrounds. It’s easy to blame others in difficult times, but that never solves the problem.

tik tak
Ricky Schlott hits the mark with her candid and chilling description of the evil perpetuated against our youth by China’s TikTok.
NurPhoto via Getty Images

You need to take responsibility by acknowledging that there is a problem, developing a plan of action to solve the problem, and then executing that plan, which can take time and a lot of hard work.

Scott is absolutely right that we are a land of opportunity, as all the people who desperately want to move to the United States prove.

Opportunities do not guarantee anything, but they give people the opportunity to achieve something for themselves through hard work and discipline. Scott is an exceptional example.

Matthew Pease, Demarest, New Jersey

Sen. Tim Scott
Senator Tim Scott said that we are a land of opportunity, which is confirmed by all the people who desperately want to move to the United States.

Evil Deeds of Japan
As for Abrar Omeish’s comments that the Battle of Iwo Jima “set a record for what human evil is capable of”, she ignored Japan’s massive atrocities.

These include the surprise attack on Pearl Harbor and World War II attacks on China (in “The Rape of Nanjing”), Indonesia, Indochina, the Philippines and other countries in their quest for world domination (“Official Iwo Jima Babble”, Feb. 27). ).

She ignores the fact that Iwo Jima was the only Marine battle in the Pacific in which the Marines suffered more casualties than the Japanese.

As a wounded Marine Corpsman who served at the age of 18 in Vietnam in 1968, I suggest that Omeish find another country if she does not value the benefits of this country provided by the heroism of the US Marines against one of the most evil empires of the 20th century. , Japan.

Eugene Ogozalek, Scranton, Pennsylvania.

Abrar Omeish
Abrar Omeish’s comments sparked outrage that the Battle of Iwo Jima “set a record for what human evil is capable of.”
Fairfax County Public Schools

Attack on the checkout
My deepest condolences to Lisbel Rodriguez Luna for having to endure such a brutal assault from a disgruntled customer and her gangster daughters (“Bx. Grocer Beating,” Feb. 28).

Rodriguez Luna was just doing her job when she forbade a customer to cut the line, but still brutally beat her as payback. The apple never falls far from the tree. All five women are despicable and should be captured and thrown in jail for a very long time.

Bill Calvo, Ridgewood

Ricky Schlott
Ricky Schlott with her pepper spray, which she keeps for self-defense but can’t be bought in New York.
Stephen Young

Fentanyl Foul Joe
How the hell was this buffoon elected (“Mom scolds ‘despicable’ Biden for laughing at accusation of sons dying from fentanyl,” March 2)?

This clown’s lack of empathy for a grieving mother shows what a shame we have in the White House. This administration and its cabinet is a parody of Saturday Night Live.

The difference between the two dead boys and Hunter Biden is that Hunter’s father is a millionaire who helped him. What a disgrace. We have a pathetic excuse for the President.

John Shapiro, Beverly Hills, California.

President Joe Biden, Hunter Biden
Then U.S. Vice President Joe Biden and Hunter Biden at the annual McGovern-Dole Leadership Award for the U.S. World Food Program.
Teresa Kruger

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