Police release photos of gunmen on scooters who shot Bronx man

Police released photos of shooters on scooters they say shot dead a man in the Bronx last week.

Miguel Vargas, 22, was on E. 187th Street near Cambreleng Avenue in Belmont on Feb. 13 when two men on a motor scooter pulled up around 6:55 p.m., police said.


They added that a passenger on the scooter hit Vargas several times in the chest.

The shooter got back on the scooter, police said, and the driver sped south along nearby Beaumont Avenue.

Medics rushed Vargas to St. Barnabas Hospital, where he died.

According to police, he lived about a mile from where he was killed.

Police have released photographs of the armed men and are asking the public for help in identifying them. Anyone with information is asked to call Crime Stoppers at (800) 577-TIPS.

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texasstandard.news contributed to this report.

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