New York City disappearance of Brooklyn boy Patrick Alford gets new NYPD attention with age progression images

New Age progression images help NYPD resume search for missing Brooklyn boy Patrick Alford, who was 7 years old when he disappeared in 2010.

Patrick, who disappeared 13 years ago Sunday from his adopted home in Spring Creek Towers in East New York, is presumed dead under state law, but police have not ruled out the possibility that he is alive.

On Saturday, investigators released a sketch of what Patrick, now 20, would look like today, in the hope that someone would recognize him.

Anyone who comes forward about his disappearance is offered a $13,000 reward.

Patrick Alford is pictured on the left in an old photo and pictured on the right in a sketch showing what he might look like today at 20 years old.

Alford was helping his adoptive mother, Librada Moran, take out the trash on January 22, 2010, when she was distracted by a phone call. When she turned around, he was gone.

The police combed the waters of Fresh Creek Basin and the dense undergrowth of Spring Creek Park, but found nothing.

Over the course of two months, police interviewed about 14,000 people, searched 214 buildings, and knocked on 9,100 doors near the foster home on Vandalia Avenue and the home of Jennifer Rodriguez, Patrick’s biological mother, in Staten Island.

Rodriguez lost custody of Patrick three weeks before he disappeared after she was arrested for theft. The child’s biological father, also named Patrick Alford, lives separately on Staten Island.

Seven registered sex offenders who live near Patrick were questioned, as were 28 bus drivers and employees of seven Brooklyn auto services. Advice and interviews have even taken detectives to Baltimore and Puerto Rico.

The NYPD’s hunt for Patrick was one of the largest missing persons searches in the department’s history.

Jennifer Rodriguez poses in 2015 with a photo of her son Patrick Alford, who went missing on January 22, 2010 from a foster family.

In 2015, the National Center for Missing & Exploited Children released a computerized age photograph of what Patrick would have looked like at 12. In 2019, the police gave Patrick previously unreleased photographs in hopes of rekindling interest in the case.

His disappearance has been compared to the case of Ethan Patz, who was 6 years old when he disappeared in Soho in 1979. His body was never found, but in 2017 a wine cellar salesman was convicted of kidnapping and murdering him.

Patrick was last seen wearing a red T-shirt, blue jeans and black Michael Jordan sneakers.

Anyone with information about his disappearance is strongly advised to call the NYPD Crime Squad at (800) 577-TIPS. All calls will be confidential.

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