Woman proves how fake social media can be, but there’s more to it than meets the eye

Individualism is under threat. The enemy is none other than the Devil himself, and social media is the enemy’s weapon of choice.

According to Unilad, social media influencer Holly Cockerill posted a photo montage video on TikTok. Photos were taken before and after of Cockerill’s shots, which were posted to show how online photos can be easily edited to look completely different.

Dot? To show the world how fake social media photos can be. Cockerill, emphasizing her individuality, turned the Devil’s favorite weapon against him.

@hollycockerill ♬ Thank God – Kanye West

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According to Unilad, Cockerill said, “It’s my fault that I’m always scrolling through Instagram and seeing ‘perfect’ selfies with a perfect life and it made me feel so bad. I constantly compared myself to these fake images.”

“Then I started seeing accounts showing celebrities and popular influencers on social media rather than in real life and I couldn’t believe the difference.”

Do you think social media has caused an increase in mental illness?

Cockerill’s video proved it. Some of the transformations were so dramatic that they didn’t look like the same person. In some photos, Cockerill’s hair appears to be a different color. In others, her face seems to have a different shape. Many of the “after” shots are airbrushed, and Cockerill’s face appears to be completely made up – the original photo was makeup-free.

“Proof that social media is fake,” Cockerill commented on the video.

“Young people look up to influencers and want to be like them or look like them,” Cockerill continued, according to Unilad. “And if these influencers are using an app that changes everything about themselves, then it makes ordinary people wonder why they don’t look good enough.”

Really young people.

The destruction of the individual requires the undermining of identity. Having lost a stable identity, a person is forced to turn to others in the hope of finding himself. Our young people are especially vulnerable because the seed of individuality, planted in them at birth, has not had time to take root.

Identity stability is undermined before it can take root, and young people are willing to accept all sorts of nonsense because they are desperate to know who they are.

Proof? In 2022, approximately one in five Generation Z Americans born between 1997 and 2003 identified as LGBT, according to Gallup. This is a record figure, almost double the number of millennials.


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On the other hand, according to The Hill, the percentage of traditionalists, baby boomers and Gen X adults has remained the same.

What is the reason for the rapid growth? The best way out is identity confusion.

There is something else. The number of young people identifying as transgender has nearly doubled in recent years, according to a report from the Williams Institute at UCLA School of Law. The percentage and number of adults who self-identify as transgender in the US have remained stable over time. Almost one in five people who consider themselves transgender are between the ages of 13 and 17.

The young are brought up with the belief that they can be anything. But being a kid today is far from the time when I grew up, and the phrase “you can be anything” meant that with hard work you can go as far as reality allows. It doesn’t mean that feeling like a professional athlete or a mathematical genius, you automatically become one.

Today a boy is taught that he can be a girl if he feels like a girl. A girl can be a boy if she feels here. But feelings change over time, especially under the onslaught of hormones during adolescence. Reality remains the same. If a mathematical genius tries to play professional football – if he is not blessed both physically and mentally – he will fail.

People are guided by reality, they cannot create it.

What does this have to do with social media? According to Pew Research, 46% of teens say they use the internet almost constantly. You can bet your last dollar that they are on social media “all the time” most of the time.

Cockerill showed that many social networks are outright fake. People spend a huge amount of time creating Internet identities that have little to no connection with reality. What can this do to the mind of a young man?

It may just make them want to look like or be someone they are not, because the person they want to emulate on social media doesn’t exist in reality.

“In fact, you really help me remind myself not to compare my appearance with those who are online. Thank you, sometimes I really need it, ”one user commented on the video.

People need to focus on who they really are, as the user above pointed out. But they don’t have to do it alone.

Genesis 1:27 provides the basis for a healthy identity: “And God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; He created them male and female.”

Because of this, each person is unique. No two people are the same, not even identical twins. Identical twins have different experiences, although their genetic make-up is identical. You know this if you’ve been around them. There are no identical people.

That is why C. S. Lewis wrote: “There are no ordinary people. You’ve never met a mere mortal.

This is why all children should know Matthew 10:30-31: “But even the hairs of your head are numbered. So don’t be afraid; you are more valuable than many sparrows.”

Don’t be afraid of reality. Be afraid of those who will deprive you of your uniqueness in this reality. Fear the Devil who will destroy you.

This article originally appeared in The Western Journal.

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texasstandard.news contributed to this report.

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