‘Mental health advocate’ rushes to defense of 270-pound student accused of beating a teacher’s assistant unconscious: ‘He’s not a threat!’

Following the release of a video showing a brutal attack on a teacher’s aide, one woman said law enforcement was misinterpreting what happened.

An assistant confiscated a Nintendo Switch video game console from a student, allegedly provoking the attack of a 270-pound, 6’6″ student with special needs.

The incident took place at Matanzas High School in Palm Coast, Florida, according to a Facebook post by the Flagler County Sheriff’s Office.

The student was charged with aggravated bodily harm. The assistant, who initially lost consciousness, was hospitalized but has since been released. Names are not disclosed.

Sue Urban of Florida spoke out publicly against the sheriff’s office. Urban told the Daily Mail that her son Nicholas attended the school where the incident took place and said he later killed himself. She said that she knew from experience that a teenager should not be treated like a common criminal.

“It’s not this child’s fault. He’s not a threat. This is a mental health issue. This is a problem with our system, it is broken,” she said live on Facebook, according to the Daily Mail.

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“This message must be removed from the Flagler County Sheriff’s website immediately.”

Urban said she became a mental health advocate after her son’s death.

“This child has mental health problems. He’s just a kid,” she said, adding that she was tired of these kids being called a threat.”

Urban said the teenager had no place in prison.

“This child should not have been taken to prison, he should have been taken to a psychiatric hospital. Please stop calling this kid a monster. Yes, its size is an important factor, [but] he didn’t know what he was doing was wrong,” she said.

Urban said the devices can often be the only thing that prevents eruptions like the one seen in the video.

“These children are given special attention in these classes. They are given leeway to have these devices, so when they lose their temper or if they get into this mental space, they can have these switches, phones or their comfort devices, [so] so they can calm down,” she said.

Urban said the school’s security system to protect staff is flawed.

“This teacher – this paraprofessional – should not have been left alone in a situation where she could be attacked,” she said.

Urban said her stepson was in the same wing of the school as the student who attacked the assistant.

This wing, she says, is for students who “are not part of the general high school group.”

“This is not just a bandit. People need to be aware of children with ESE [Exceptional Student Education]. They should also be educated about impulsive aggressive behavior and that in most cases these children do not understand the consequences of such behavior,” she said.

Flagler County Sheriff Rick Staley called the video of the incident “shocking,” according to WESH-TV.

“It could have been murder,” Staley said, “when you push people down like that, they hit their heads, you never know the outcome.”

The Mental Health Advocate message rushes to the defense of a 270-pound student accused of beating a teacher’s assistant unconscious: “He poses no threat!” first appeared in The Western Journal.

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texasstandard.news contributed to this report.

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