‘LA is a Mess’: Leftist Commentator Whines About Deteriorating City, Gets Reminded He Supported the Policies That Led to it

Leftist political commentator Cenk Uygur, host of “The Young Turks,” made some news recently by actually making some common-sense observations.

Unfortunately, the conventional wisdom Uygur discovered did not seem to extend into a new sense of self-awareness.

The no-longer-young-Turk Uygur, 52, did not admit his current complaints contradicted the same kind of leftist positions and leadership he recently advocated. Commenters on Twitter stepped in to remind him.

Uygur was commenting on the city he lives in, Los Angeles, California.

According to recent data from the Council for Community and Economic Research, the Los Angeles area is the fifth-most expensive urban location in the United States.

Despite the high costs, Los Angeles is a disaster. The city’s population is declining as residents flee from out-of-control crime and spreading homeless encampments.

At the same time the city decays into chaos, officials focus on harassing regular citizens over minor concerns like water usage.

On Wednesday, Uygur took to Twitter to complain about conditions in LA.


“LA is a mess. There’s trash all over the roads. Cops don’t respond to calls. It’s close to anarchy here. Is Garcetti already in Mumbai? Is anyone running this city? Karen Bass seems to be saying she’s going to maintain the status quo. She knows how to work the system. No thanks!”

In the quote, Uygur named the Democrat mayor of Los Angeles, Eric Garcetti, who was nominated as Ambassador to India by the Biden administration. The nomination has not yet been approved by the Senate.

Democrat Congresswoman Karen Bass is currently running to replace Garcetti as mayor.

Uygur seemed unhappy with his fellow Democrats since they made LA such a dysfunctional place. But numerous Twitter replies pointed out how Uygur usually supports Democrats and the same policies that have brought the city to ruin.


Blaire White posted, “A blue city in a blue state. You may be on to something, Cenk.”


John Nolte showed the gap between promises and achievements.


“But-but-but Democrats run everything, checked off every wish on their list… Shouldn’t it be a utopia?”

Nick Freitas, a Republican member of the Virginia House of Delegates, noted Uygur’s culpability.

“So basically you’re getting what you voted for. I wonder if this will result in any political introspection…”

This is not the first time Uygur denounced the results of progressive policies he previously endorsed.

Fox News reported in September Uygur complained about the Defund the Police and tried to distance it from leftist support.


“Will people who came up with ‘Defund the Police’ slogan admit they were wrong? It was wildly counterproductive framing. You don’t speak for the left. And neither do people pushing the counterproductive ‘Abolish Prisons.’ Polls show that almost no one on the left agrees with you.”

That was a big change from June of 2020, when Uygur posted this.


“I’m done. I’m now supporting #DefundThePolice 100%. I already largely agreed with the substance of the argument & now I’m down for the framing, too. There is no reform or transformation that can fix this. We have to start over and completely rebuild policing in this country.”


In his business as well, Uygur contradicts progressive ideas when it suits his needs.

In the 2020 election, Uygur ran for Congress and was briefly endorsed by socialist presidential candidate Bernie Sanders.

When the staff of Uygur’s show “The Young Turks” wanted to form a union in February of 2020, the “leadership” of the company refused to cooperate.

The Washington Free Beacon reported, “A week after TYT Union was formed to represent production and post-production workers at the popular liberal channel, the group announced that company leadership had refused voluntary recognition of the union.”

“The refusal, which comes after Sanders proposed penalizing companies that refuse to recognize unions, is the latest instance of a left-leaning news outlet resisting unionization among its employees.”

Do you think leftists will ever learn that their policies don’t work?

There seems to be a pattern when leftists reject Democrat policies. They support them until the ill effects of the policies affect them personally in some way. Only then do they recognize how misguided the policies are.

The leftists will then start complaining, or even move away from the locales they destroyed with their activism.

Discontent leftists never seem to do the one thing that could improve the problems that confront them: They never actually stop voting for Democrats.

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texasstandard.news contributed to this report.

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