Horrifying Crime Against 12-Year-Old in Paris Highlights Europe’s Illegal Immigration Catastrophe

An illegal immigrant who was ordered to leave the country now stands accused of the grisly murder of a 12-year-old girl whose remains were found jammed into a plastic suitcase.

The suspect, a homeless woman from Algeria, was indicted Monday and accused of sexually torturing and murdering 12-year-old Lola Daviet, from Paris.

Like in the U.S., where some reports claim that at least 300,000 illegals who escaped arrest have slipped into the country in the past 12 months alone, France has a major problem with illegal immigration, and this case has renewed an intense political debate over the issue.

The indictment accused Dahbia B. of kidnapping the girl, taking her to her sister’s apartment and forcing the child to shower, before she “committed harm of a sexual nature and other violent acts against (Lola) that caused her death,” France 24 reported.

The victim died due to “cardio-respiratory failure with signs of asphyxia and cervical compression,” according to autopsy results. She also had wounds to her face and back, along with deep lacerations on her neck.

“Evidence suggests that the girl was taken into the basement of the flat, where she was tortured and raped before being strangled and having her throat cut,” officials told the media, according to the U.K.’s Daily Mail.

The 24-year-old suspect is said to have “extreme psychological problems,” and reportedly switched back and forth from admitting and denying the crime during a police interrogation, the Daily Mail added.

At one point, Dahbia reportedly boasted of “selling body parts,” but then said that the crime scene photo “does not make me hot or cold. I too was raped and saw my parents die in front of me.”

Five others were also arrested in connection with the shocking crime, including Dahbia’s 43-year-old sister, Friha. A man accused of sheltering Dahbia in his car was also arrested.

Should politicians be imprisoned for not working to stop illegal immigration?

Police were led to the suspect when the victim’s father, who works as a caretaker for the apartment building, discovered surveillance video showing his daughter walking away with the suspect. The same video later showed the suspect dragging a heavy suitcase by herself.

The crime has triggered a renewed debate on France’s liberal immigration laws, as the suspect is an illegal from Algeria who had been in France for three years.

“The suspect in this barbaric act should not have been in our country,” opposition leader Marine Le Pen said Tuesday during a National Assembly session, demanding that Macron’s government put a stop to “uncontrolled immigration,” according to Fox News.

According to the Daily Mail, Dahbia B. first arrived in France legally, with a student residency permit, but overstayed her visa. Officials also reported that when the suspect landed in Paris’s Orly airport in August, she was told to leave the country due to her illegal status. She did not, and authorities never followed up to press the issue.

Dahbia faces charges of murder, rape of a minor, torture, acts of barbarity and concealment of a corpse, Paris prosecutors said.

“Like them, we want answers,” French government spokesman Olivier Veran said of Lola’s parents. “Like them, we want to punish with the needed tough stance warranted by atrocities that have been committed. It’s up to judicial authorities to do so.”

The shocking crime has been mirrored time and again here in the U.S. as President Joe Biden’s failed immigration policies continue to leave our southern border wide open for murderers, and other criminals who have committed violent crimes here in the U.S.A.

Instead of clamping down on the border to stop these dangerous criminals from a host of countries from flooding into the U.S., instead of apprehending and deporting them, the Biden administration and other leftists want to give them welfare, free phones and free health care.

The left’s plan to flood America with illegals will only increase the chances that citizens and legal aliens will continue to suffer outrageous crimes and vicious murders making all Americans unsafe in their own communities, just like France.

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texasstandard.news contributed to this report.

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