Seguin Police Embrace Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu as Valuable Training Tool

Seguin Police officers in Texas are undergoing training in Gracie Survival Tactics (GST), a groundbreaking defensive tactics system rooted in Gracie Jiu-Jitsu. This program, aimed at equipping officers with the necessary skills to control and subdue suspects without resorting to punching, kicking, or using weapons, has been hailed as a significant step forward in law enforcement training.

Lieutenant Cobey Crow, a representative of the Seguin Police, emphasized the importance of this program as an additional tool in their arsenal. He explained that many officers without prior martial arts or boxing experience often rely solely on their own physical strength and force when apprehending suspects. GST provides them with technical knowledge and non-violent methods to ensure effective control over suspects.

Crow clarified that GST is not a class on UFC or MMA with an emphasis on striking and kicking. Instead, it focuses on control manipulation techniques that enable officers to safely and efficiently restrain suspects and place them in handcuffs. This level of control is crucial in scenarios where officers may find themselves alone or waiting for backup to arrive.

Seguin Police highlighted that officers regularly utilize the techniques learned in GST. In a cell phone video shared with KENS 5, an officer can be seen effectively taking down a suspect involved in an aggravated assault. The suspect became confrontational and reached for a knife, prompting the officer to employ Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu techniques to neutralize the threat.

The implementation of GST has not only enhanced officers’ ability to handle potentially dangerous situations but has also boosted their self-confidence. By acquiring the skills and knowledge necessary to navigate such encounters, officers feel more empowered to carry out their duties effectively.

To ensure widespread adoption of GST, Seguin Police currently has six certified Gracie Survival Tactics instructors, and four more officers are undergoing certification. The ultimate goal is to have at least one officer trained under this program on every shift, guaranteeing maximum preparedness and proficiency within the police force.

The introduction of GST represents a significant advancement in law enforcement training, providing officers with the necessary tools to subdue suspects while minimizing the use of force. With an emphasis on control and manipulation techniques, Seguin Police aims to foster a safer and more effective approach to law enforcement, benefiting both officers and the communities they serve.

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