Church of North Texas provides free prom dresses and accessories for girls in need

The prom closet at St. Andrew Methodist Church in Plano reopens this year, providing free prom dresses and accessories for North Texas girls.

This year the event takes place from 7 to 9 February, 11 February and from 13 to 18 February.

This is the website of the church. graduation cabinet was created to provide a unique shopping experience for young ladies who, due to finances, would not be able to attend prom. Prom Closet organizers and volunteers confirm that not only is the need great, but the impact the dress has on the girl and her family is immeasurable.

In its first year, Prom Closet provided 35 dresses to local high school girls, and in 2022, 803 girls from 483 schools received dresses and accessories donated by community members, local groups, corporations and businesses.

To make all this possible, they also take donationsas well as used or new dresses, shoes and jewelry.

Donation Location Information: Park in the large north parking lot next to Mira Vista. Look for the north entrance sign on the building. Enter the north lobby through the door at the end of the covered walkway. Leave donations on the clothes rack in the north lobby.

  • Monday-Wednesday, 8:30-20:30
  • Thursday, 8:30-14:00 and 18:00-20:30
  • Friday, 8:30-noon
  • Saturday, 11:30-16:00
  • Sunday, 9:30-noon
  • These days food distribution and access to the car park and building can be difficult.

Appointments are now open.

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Dallas Press News – Latest News:
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