Alligators are not good pets! Texas man gets subpoena after baby alligator is kept in 4-gallon fish tank at home

TEXAS – An individual from Texas has been served with a summons for harboring a juvenile alligator within the confines of his residence, as confirmed by the Nacogdoches Police Department.

Police officers promptly alerted Texas Gamekeeper Sean Reneau after discovering the presence of a baby alligator in a 40-gallon tank at a local domicile.

The officers, initially dispatched to the house on unrelated matters, reported an unexpected disappearance of the alligator from its enclosure. Subsequently, upon Reneau’s arrival, he engaged in a conversation with the homeowner and assisted in locating the missing reptile.

Further investigation led to the discovery of the elusive creature concealed in a blue tub within the property’s backyard.

Upon being questioned, the homeowner confessed to having encountered the alligator near a nearby river, undertaken its capture, and subsequently transported it back to his abode, endeavoring to nurture it as a household pet.

Texas Game Wardens, collaborating with Reneau, ascertained the estimated timeframe of human possession to be a mere span of a few days, given the alligator’s size and development stage, indicating its recent hatching.

Consequently, the culprit was formally charged with the offense of possessing an American alligator, leading to the game warden arranging for the relocation of the reptile to its original habitat.

The gamekeeper, in an attempt to raise awareness on the matter, posted a statement emphasizing the importance of preserving the natural rhythm of the ecosystem during the early summer months. Urging individuals to refrain from interfering with hatchlings and allowing their mothers to diligently nurture them.

This episode serves as a reminder for the populace to respect the delicate balance of nature and avoid disturbing the harmonious progression of wildlife.

Copyright 2023 by KPRC Click2Houston – All rights reserved.

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Content and Photo credit go to Texas Standard

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