Trump’s first public campaign event will be held in South Carolina this month

Former President Donald J. Trump is set to hold the first public event of his 2024 presidential campaign later this month in South Carolina, one of the first states to host a Republican primary.

On Thursday, politicians Alex Isenstadt was the first to report on the upcoming event, which advisers to the former president’s campaign headquarters said would be more “intimate” than a rally. Politico spoke with advisers Brian Jack, Chris Lacivita, and Susie Wiles, who noted that Trump will represent his campaign leadership team at the event. The paper pushed for advisers when Trump starts holding rallies again, but with the Iowa caucus still a year away, LaCivita said it’s still very early on the campaign trail.

“People want to push: “Why don’t you hold rallies?” Well, I think it would be crazy to spend huge sums of money so far,” he said.

The 45th President announced his candidacy at his luxury Mar-a-Lago resort in Palm Beach, Florida in November, following the midterm elections.

“If our movement remains united and confident, then we will break the forces of tyranny and reveal the glory of freedom to ourselves, to our children, and to future generations,” Trump said during his statement. “America’s golden age is yet to come.”

In the time since its November 15 launch, Trump has posted political platform videos that set the tone and vision for his campaign and his next term, if he wins in 2024. In these videos, Trump outlined a comprehensive plan to “destroy the left-wing censorship regime and restore the right to free speech for all Americans,” as well as a plan to “wage war” on drug cartels in a manner similar to how he fought the Islamic State during his presidency. .

Donald J. Trump for President 2024

Trump’s anti-censorship platform includes creating a “digital bill of rights” that empowers users, overhauling section 230 of the Communications Decency Act, imposing a seven-year cooldown period on former CIA and FBI employees, as well as employees, according to Breitbart. News, a number of other government agencies could get started at tech companies that have “huge amounts of U.S. user data,” among other things.

In addition, Trump posted another campaign video exclusively from Breitbart News in which he criticized House Ways and Means Committee Democrats from the last Congress who voted to release his tax returns publicly as one of their last actions.

Donald J. Trump for President 2024

Trump urged the new GOP-controlled House of Representatives to receive and release President Joe Biden’s financial records, adding:

Biden is a corrupt politician who has been selling America to the whole world for years, including to communist China. Just look at his accounts, look at all of his houses, and look at what his son, Hunter, has contributed to the family. The American public deserves to know the truth. We also need to get to the bottom of how Biden, on the salary of a US senator, was able to buy one mansion after another, in all these different places.

He promised to “expose the Washington cartel” and told viewers, “We will make America great again.”

In 2018 and 2020, Breitbart Senior Contributor and President of the Public Accountability Institute Peter Schweitzer published Secret Empires and Profiles in corruption. Each book ranked first The newspaper “New York Times bestseller list and described how Hunter Biden and Joe Biden flew aboard Air Force Two in 2013 to China before Hunter’s firm signed a $1.5 billion deal with Chinese government subsidiary Bank of China less than two weeks after the trip . Schweitzer’s work also exposed other extensive and lucrative overseas deals and the nepotism of the Biden family.

The investigative work of Breitbart political editor Emma-Jo Morris in New York Post on Hunter Biden, “a laptop from hell” also made international headlines when she, along with Miranda Devine, revealed that Joe Biden was intimately involved with Hunter’s business, and even apparently had a ten percent stake in the company the offspring created together. with officials in the highest echelons of the Communist Party of China.

Hunter Biden – the hero of the narrative film My son Hunter, marking Breitbart’s expansion into film distribution. The film was produced by the Uncredited Histories Society. This is the story the mainstream media doesn’t want you to see. Movie available NOW for streaming and downloading to

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