The best books that changed the world

Books are a great way to spend an evening, relax, learn something new or dream up. Just like playing in a live online casino, it is a great way to get new experiences.

Throughout the history of mankind, many books have been written, many of which we do not even know about. But today in this article we will analyze exactly those books that could change the world and became real bestsellers.

Aesop, Aesop’s Fables

It is not known for certain whether Aesop was a historical or fictional person. For the first time, the “father” of the story, Herodotus, mentions him. Aesop is believed to have lived around 600 BC. on the island of Samos, was deformed and was a slave, and was later freed. The original works of the ancient Greek fabulist have not survived to this day.

The first mention of them was in Latin and Greek translations. 426 fables are known under the name of this author. In them, Aesop acts as a “stupid” philosopher, fooling kings, a joker and a sage. Aesop’s fables provide a good life lesson.

Confucius, Analects of Confucius.

Analects are thoughts, reasonings, quotations, aphorisms and short stories of the author. The book was written around the 3rd century BC. The Chinese philosopher himself considered himself an intermediary in the transmission of thoughts between the ancient sages and future generations.

Confucius was very successful in this mediation, since his writings still deeply affect the minds and hearts of people.

Anne Frank, The Diary of Anne Frank

This young woman was separated from her family when the Netherlands was under Nazi occupation. The family was saved, but Anna ended up in the Bergen-Belsen concentration camp, where she died of typhus at the end of the war.

Her book is a valuable document on the European events of World War II, translated into 60 languages.

Sun Tzu, The Art of War.

Other titles of the book: “Laws of War of the Venerable Sun” and “Treatise of the teacher of the Sun on the art of war.” This is the oldest treatise on the strategy, tactics and politics of war. It was used not only by famous generals, but is still (among other things) taught in the American army and navy.

The treatise was written by the legendary commander and most skillful strategist in the middle of the 5th century BC and was found in the graves only in 1972. It consists of 13 chapters.

One chapter is devoted to one aspect or method of warfare, such as espionage, sabotage, and tactical subterfuge. But most importantly, in my opinion, the work contains a chapter on the inadmissibility of atrocities in war.

Dee Brown, “Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee”

The American writer, professor-librarian spoke about the conquest of the American West by the US army, about the war, the rejection of this territory from the indigenous Indian tribes.

This is a document about the destruction of an entire nation. The book was published in 1970 and immediately became a bestseller, translated into 17 languages.


If you are a big reader or just looking for something interesting to read, then these 5 books from our list will suit you. In each zone of these books, you will find something to think about and how it can be applied in life.

These books are covered with secrets and interesting stories of their creation and translation. Every self-respecting book lover should know these 5 bestsellers of all time. But the main thing is to read for pleasure.

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