Texas couple charges daughter rent, sparking debate.

The hashtag #ParentsChargingRent on TikTok has gone viral with over 59.7 billion views. While some kids decide to leave the nest once they graduate high school, others may choose to stay and live with their parents. However, this phenomenon has generated debates about the negative impact that this parental decision might have on the parent-child relationship.

Erika and Cody Archie from Gatesville, Texas, shared their thoughts on the matter in a video on TikTok after their daughter, Kylee Deason, 19, graduated from high school and quickly began paying her parents rent on June 1. The Archies informed Kylee that if she didn’t enroll in college and chose to work a full-time job and live at home, they would charge her $200 a month for rent. Cody Archie explained that the purpose of charging her rent was to prepare her for adulthood. He believes that as one goes into the workforce, they need to be responsible for their own rent and food.

While Kylee Deason stayed at home with her parents for nine months, paying $200 a month for rent, the couple revealed that she paid $300 a month if she chose to buy her own groceries. According to Cody Archie, this amount was significantly cheaper than other rental properties in the area.

The Archies prepared their daughter for the next steps of adulthood and independence while using their own financial management expertise to instill financial responsibility. The couple calls themselves “Dave Ramsey fans” and encouraged Kylee Deason to develop an envelope system encouraged by the personal finance expert. She used three envelopes labeled “save,” “spend,” and “give” from an early age.

The Archies’ video on TikTok garnered over 720,000 views, with many viewers agreeing with their methods. However, others found the situation problematic. While some viewers believe that charging rent helps teach responsibility and accountability, others stated that Kylee might have felt that her parents cared more about money than her.

Lending Tree reported in September 2022 that 85% of parents would allow their adult children to move back in with them, and most (73%) of them would not charge rent. Still, the report shows that they would expect their children to contribute in some way to household bills or groceries.

Brooke Webb-Gennusa, a licensed clinical therapist, noted that what’s right for one family might not be appropriate for another. She acknowledged the debate on the topic, and how enabling decreases when families work together to develop a plan that leads to personal independence. Webb-Gennusa stressed that the relationship between a parent and child in this scenario must be a priority and that communication between both parties plays a vital role in how they interact.

Overall, while charging rent might help prepare children for adulthood, there is still a debate among parents on what is best for their children and their family. Nevertheless, teaching children to be financially responsible is a priority for many parents, and communication is a key factor in creating a positive outcome between parents and children.

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