Students recognized for exemplary behavior following altercation with NOPD officer during Mardi Gras viral video

Two seniors at L.B. Landry High School in New Orleans, who happen to be best friends, French horn band mates, and captains, found themselves at the center of a viral incident after a pushing altercation with a NOPD officer during the Muses parade on Monday. The unexpected turn of events led to an outpouring of praise and recognition from a variety of prominent figures including elected officials, judges, city council members, and even representatives from professional sports teams. Brandon Mitchell and Jerome Marshall were lauded for their emotional discipline, composure, maturity, mental fortitude, and dignified behavior in the face of adversity.

The commendations extended beyond the local community, with police officers from Black River, New York expressing their support and emphasizing the importance of mutual respect between law enforcement and citizens. The NOPD superintendent also made an appearance, with Brandon Mitchell acknowledging and appreciating her apology for the incident.

Amidst the accolades and scholarship offers, the two friends expressed gratitude for each other’s support and shared aspirations for attending college together, setting their sights on Texas Southern University. Marshall articulated his desire for a full scholarship to alleviate the financial burden on his family, while Mitchell reflected on the impact of the scholarship offers and the journey towards higher education.

Reflecting on the incident, Dr. Tammi Griffin-Major, CEO of Algiers Charter Schools Association, highlighted the importance of conflict resolution and non-violent communication in resolving disputes. The school’s emphasis on teaching students to handle conflicts peacefully and respectfully was underscored as a valuable lesson for the entire student body.

In response to the willingness of the Fraternal Order of Police attorney and the involved officer to engage in dialogue with the students and school representatives, the school CEO expressed openness to a mediated discussion to address the events that transpired. The ongoing support and mentorship from adults towards the younger generation were emphasized as crucial in shaping the behavior and decisions of youth like Mitchell and Marshall.

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