New York’s public restrooms are flushing their reputation down the toilet as they are considered among the worst in America.

Public toilets in the US: love them or hate them, you can’t ignore them. From dirty toilets at gas stations to overcrowded toilets at airports, public toilets in the US have a reputation for being pretty awful. A recent survey of 3,000 people by the Lavatory Lab confirmed this hypothesis when they asked respondents to rate the public toilets in their state on a scale of 1 to 10. Overall, Americans rated their work a terrible 5.2 out of 10. But why are they so bad? , you ask?

First of all, the issue of cleanliness is a serious problem in public toilets. From dirty toilets to overflowing trash cans, it’s not uncommon to find a bathroom that looks like it hasn’t been cleaned since the days of the Wild West. And let’s not forget about the proverbial “smell in the bathroom…”

Another issue with public bathrooms is the lack of privacy. When it comes to kiosks, there is often a fine line between “enough privacy” and “no privacy at all”. Case in point: the ubiquitous gap at the bottom of the cubicle door that lets everyone in the bathroom see your shoes.

Of course, the lack of privacy is not limited to kiosks. Sinks and mirrors are often located in plain sight in the bathroom, which means you’re forced to engage in a game of “who avoids eye contact the longest” while you wash your hands. And don’t even think about changing your baby’s diaper in a public restroom. You’ll be lucky if you can find a changing table, and even luckier if it’s not covered in suspicious goo.

Another problem is the lack of consumables. Have you ever walked into a public restroom and found that there was no toilet paper there? Or worse, what about the bathroom where the toilet paper dispenser is empty and there is no spare roll nearby? These are the situations that can make a person feel like they are stuck in the middle of nowhere.

And let’s not forget about the toilets themselves. From malfunctioning flush mechanisms to unhygienic seat covers, public restrooms can be a constant source of frustration. Some toilets even have dual flush toilets, which can be confusing for those used to traditional flushing. (Are you pressing button number one or number two? The answer, of course, is that it depends on the restroom.)

Nationwide, public toilets in Wyoming have been ranked as the worst in our great country. Respondents here rated them 3.5/10, they are followed by New Yorkers who scored 4.7 out of 10. In fact, public toilets in New York were ranked 12th worst overall in the survey. However, the feedback from Vermont residents was very positive – they rated their public restrooms 8/10.

Interactive map with state scores

Perhaps the biggest problem with public toilets is the lack of access. While the Americans with Disabilities Act requires that public buildings have toilets for people with disabilities, many public toilets still do not meet the requirements. From cubicles that are too narrow for a wheelchair to sinks that are too high for a wheelchair, public toilets often cannot accommodate the needs of people with disabilities.

Public toilets still play an important role in our society. Like it or not, they are a necessary part of our lives and we need them to be clean, safe and affordable.says Mark Williams of Lavatory Lab.

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