Mike Cipriano Announces Resignation from Township Council in 2023

Robbinsville Township Councilman Mike Cipriano, a respected figure in local governance, has recently made a momentous announcement. Cipriano, who has served as a Council member since November 7, 2017, has communicated his intention to resign from the Township Council, with the effective date set for December 31, 2023. This decision comes as Cipriano plans to relocate to South Jersey in order to be closer to his family and explore new opportunities.

Expressing his gratitude for the opportunity to serve the public, Cipriano acknowledged the hard work and dedication of his fellow council members, as well as Mayor Dave Fried and the Township employees. He shared his deep appreciation for the privilege of working alongside such committed public servants. Cipriano’s journey into public service began after a successful career as a police officer in Cranbury Township, where he retired before embarking on his political career.

Born in Trenton, Cipriano has deep roots in the region. He is an alumnus of the prestigious Camden County Corrections Academy and the Trenton Police Academy. Prior to his election, he had been a resident of Robbinsville Township for two decades. In recognition of his exceptional leadership, Cipriano was elected to a second four-year term in 2021 and served as Council President during the January 7, 2021, reorganization meeting, after fulfilling the role of Vice President in 2020. Additionally, he currently serves as Council liaison to the C.A.R.E. program and the Plan Endorsement Citizen’s Advisory Committee.

In response to Cipriano’s impending departure, Mayor Fried expressed his appreciation for the Councilman’s service and the positive impact he has had on the Township. Fried highlighted Cipriano’s infectious enthusiasm, unwavering positivity, and unwavering dedication to the community where he chose to raise his family. The Mayor extended his well wishes to Cipriano, his wife Justine, and their children, hoping for their continued success, good health, and happiness.

As Robbinsville residents grapple with the news of Cipriano’s resignation, attention now turns to the process of finding a suitable replacement. Interested individuals can submit their names either in person or via email to the Office of the Municipal Clerk. The Clerk’s office will then share this information with the remaining four Council members. To be eligible, candidates must have been residents of the Township for at least one year and be legal voters. The selection of a new Council member will be determined by the remaining Council members, with Mayor Fried casting the deciding vote in the event of a tie. The chosen individual will serve on the Council until a special election can be held in November 2024 to fill the remaining one year of Cipriano’s term, which was originally set to conclude on January 15, 2026.

Council President Debbie Blakely expressed her deep appreciation for Cipriano’s service and the positive impact he has made during his tenure. Blakely commended Cipriano’s warm and welcoming demeanor, as well as his unwavering dedication and kindness. She emphasized how fortunate the Council has been to have had Cipriano as a valuable member of their team. Blakely and her fellow Council members extended their heartfelt wishes for Cipriano and his family’s future endeavors.

Currently, the Township Council is composed of Mr. Cipriano, President Blakely, Vice President Mike Todd, Ron Witt, and Chris Ciaccio. During the recent November 7 elections, Todd, Chopra, and Ciaccio were elected by voters, with Chopra taking over Witt’s seat commencing January 15, 2024. The Council remains committed to serving the community diligently, even in the face of this upcoming change.

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