Man sentenced to 5 years for torturing and killing pet cat in Asbury Park

In a shocking turn of events, a local man from Freehold has been handed a severe sentence of five years in state prison for the brutal torture and killing of his own pet cat last year. This disturbing news was confirmed by Monmouth County Prosecutor Raymond S. Santiago on Friday. The culprit, identified as Bani J. Mezquititla, aged 19 and a resident of Asbury Park, will not only serve time in prison but also has to pay for the necropsy of the cat and is permanently prohibited from owning or being in contact with any animals as per the court’s ruling issued by Monmouth County Superior Court Judge Chad N. Cagan.

The horrific incident came to light in March 2023, when a concerned citizen reported the discovery of a dead cat to the Asbury Park Police Department. Subsequent investigations conducted by the Asbury Park Police Department and the Monmouth County Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (SPCA) Humane Law Enforcement Division revealed that the cat belonged to Mezquititla. Shockingly, Mezquititla engaged in heinous acts of sexual abuse towards the cat, causing severe injuries, followed by torturous actions that led to the cat’s untimely death.

Following his arrest on the same day as the investigation’s commencement last year, Mezquititla has been held at the Monmouth County Correctional Institution (MCCI) throughout the legal proceedings, as per the State’s request for his detention. In April 2024, Mezquititla pleaded guilty to the charges of Animal Cruelty by Tormenting, Torturing, or Unnecessarily or Cruelly Abusing a Living Animal, Resulting in its Death, and Animal Cruelty by Using or Causing or Procuring the Use of an Animal or Creature in Any Kind of Sexual Manner, both classified as third-degree crimes.

Monmouth County Prosecutor Santiago expressed his utter dismay at the severity of the crime, stating that the level of animal cruelty exhibited by Mezquititla is beyond comprehension. He further emphasized the significance of the investigation and subsequent prosecution in securing a maximum penalty for such a heinous offense, marking one of the most significant criminal judgments for animal cruelty in the State of New Jersey. The successful prosecution of this case was led by Monmouth County Assistant Prosecutors Keri-Leigh Schaefer and Sevan Biramian, highlighting the dedicated efforts of law enforcement in ensuring justice for the innocent victim, the cat named Ellie.

The reprehensible actions of Mezquititla have not only sparked outrage within the local community but have also garnered attention and support from concerned individuals nationwide, all advocating for justice in the wake of such a horrific crime. The sentencing of Mezquititla serves as a stark reminder of the grave consequences of animal cruelty and the unwavering commitment of law enforcement to uphold justice and protect the welfare of innocent animals.

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