Kevin Spacey cleared by jury in civil sex abuse case

A Manhattan federal court jury sided with actor Kevin Spacey in a civil lawsuit brought by accuser Anthony Rapp, who claimed the Hollywood star tried to seduce him when he was a teenager.

Jurors deliberated for about an hour before clearing Spacey, finding Rapp had failed to prove the Oscar-winner inappropriately touched him after a party at his Manhattan apartment in 1986.

Rapp, who sued Spacey for $40 million, will be awarded no money in damages because of the panel’s decision.

Spacey leaned forward but betrayed no emotion as the verdict was read, as one supporter clapped loudly in the courtroom. 

The “American Beauty” actor did not comment as he left the courthouse, while his lawyer,  Jennifer Keller, said they were, “Very grateful to the jury for seeing through these false allegations.”

Rapp accused Spacey of inappropriately touching him in 1986.
Rapp accused Spacey of inappropriately touching him in 1986.

Rapp will not be awarded damages after the jury's decision.
Rapp will not be awarded damages after the jury’s decision.

Spacey's attorney told the jury that Rapp was a disgruntled actor who “felt he deserved that same success as Mr. Spacey."
Spacey’s attorney told the jury that Rapp was a disgruntled actor who “felt he deserved that same success as Mr. Spacey.”

Rapp’s attorney, Richard Steigman, declined to comment as he left court.

Rapp, also an actor, claimed Spacey, then 26, climbed on top of him and made sexual advances towards him when he was 14.

During closing arguments, Steigman said Rapp had been honest in his claims — and that the lawsuit was not part of some 30-year vendetta against Spacey.

“The simple truth here is: This happened, he shared it, and after all this time, he’s come here to share that truth with you,” the lawyer told jurors.

Over the course of the three-week trial, Spacey’s attorneys argued Rapp was a disgruntled, moderately successful actor who blamed the “American Beauty” star for every road bump in his career and his personal life.

Kevin Spacey was cleared by a jury in his Manhattan federal court civil case brought by accuser Anthony Rapp.

Rapp “felt he deserved that same success as Mr. Spacey,” attorney Jennifer Keller told jurors at the opening of the trial on Oct. 6.

She continued that Rapp came up with a “false” story as a teenager, then repeated it for the next three decades every time he saw Spacey’s star rise by earning an Oscar or hosting an awards show.

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