How Social Media Impacts Children’s Mental Health: Sleep and Body Image Concerns Emerge | Wear the Gown

In today’s digital age, the impact of social media on children’s mental health has become a topic of increasing concern. Experts have underscored the detrimental effects of excessive and inappropriate social media usage on both the physical and mental well-being of children. Consequently, it is essential for parents to stay vigilant and engaged in their child’s online activities, fostering open communication and safeguarding their mental and emotional health.

Dr. Ariana Hoet, the clinical director for On Our Sleeves, emphasizes the negative influence of social media on children’s sleep patterns and self-image. Parents should be mindful of any changes in their child’s perception of themselves, their body image, and their eating patterns. Dr. Hoet advocates for parents to remain cognizant of the content their child is consuming online, ensuring its safety and appropriateness.

Creating a conducive environment for open dialogue is key to maintaining a healthy dynamic with children regarding social media use. Dr. Hoet advises parents to approach the conversation with curiosity and empathy, refraining from bombarding their child with interrogations or unsolicited advice. By asking open-ended questions such as “Tell me a little bit about why you’ve been watching this,” parents can encourage their child to share their thoughts and experiences, fostering trust and the opportunity for meaningful conversations.

A recent survey conducted by The On Our Sleeves Movement For Children’s Mental Health revealed alarming statistics. Fifty percent of parents with children under the age of 18 reported a decline in their child’s mental health over the past year due to the negative impact of social media. In addition, the survey indicated a concerning drop of five percent in parents feeling comfortable discussing mental health with their children over the same period.

Collin Ricks, a parent, emphasizes the importance of asking a simple yet powerful question, “Hey, how was your day?” This seemingly small inquiry opens the door for children to believe that their parents trust and support them. By providing a safe space for children to share their challenges and concerns, parents can play an instrumental role in guiding them toward solutions and resolutions.

Dr. Hoet further emphasizes the significance of maintaining an ongoing conversation with children about their digital lives. How parents react to their child’s disclosures will determine whether the child continues to trust and seek support from them. By fostering an environment of acceptance and understanding, parents can ensure that their child feels comfortable sharing their experiences and seeking guidance when needed.

To learn more about On Our Sleeves and access resources to engage in discussions about social media with children, please visit the following link: For further information on family health, please contact 210-358-3045. Additionally, you can find more stories about health and well-being on

Moreover, this article includes additional multimedia content in the form of an embedded video series, which can be accessed through the following link:

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