Governor Hochul Announces $7.6 Million to Support Improvements at Animal Sanctuaries

Governor Kathy Hochul has announced $7.6 million to support animal shelters and animal welfare societies in critically upgrading animal shelters in New York City. This is the fifth round of funding from the New York State Pet Capital Fund, the first state-funded program in the country to include shelter improvement projects. Funded projects will improve animal care and help ensure adoption of New York City dogs and cats.

“Our Companion Animal Capital has made a huge difference in the lives of shelters across New York State and the animals in their care.” Governor Hochul said. “I am proud to announce this latest round of funding that will continue to build on the great work of this program and, most importantly, help our animals stay happy and healthy while they wait for their eternal homes.”

This announcement brought the total amount allocated to the program since 2017 to more than $27.5 million. To date, the program has awarded 58 projects in the state and 26 projects have been fully completed. In 2022, Governor Hochul included the Companion Animal Capital Fund in her proposed executive budget, a first for the program and demonstrating her continued commitment to New York’s pet cause. In the final, New York State’s Fiscal Year 2023 Budget, the program received a historic $8 million for the next round.

Managed by the Department of Agriculture and Markets, the Pet Capital Fund provides matching grants to shelters and animal welfare societies to offset the costs associated with capital projects such as refurbishing dog kennels, improving healthcare facilities, or building more efficient shelters to reduce overall operating costs. expenses. Funds are also used to build, repair, rehabilitate, or purchase buildings or equipment necessary for the maintenance, treatment, and care of sheltered dogs and cats. The Department selects grant recipients based on a needs assessment, detailed project description, and reasonable cost.

Two requests for proposals (RFPs) were issued under the 5th round of this program:

  • Request for proposals 0289:
    • $6.6 million is available to provide grants ranging from $50,000 to $500,000 to municipal and associated non-profit foundations, shelters, and humanitarian societies.
    • Entities who have received funds under previous Pet Capital Fund opportunities are eligible to apply for awards under this RFP. Previously funded projects must be completed before an organization can apply for an award.
  • Request for proposals 0290:
    • $1 million is available to provide grants ranging from $50,000 to $200,000 to foundations, shelters, or humane societies that are not managed or contracted by a municipality but are registered with the Department.

State Commissioner of Agriculture Richard A. Ball said: “The Department has celebrated the completion of projects at animal shelters across New York and has seen the impact of our Companion Animal Support Fund program. During the previous four rounds, we have helped our dogs and cats stay safer and happier in shelters while they wait for their permanent home. I am proud that this program continues to benefit New York’s orphanages and humane communities, and look forward to visiting more exciting completed projects in the future.”

This was stated by State Senator Michelle Hinchey. “Our local animal shelters are a haven for defenseless animals, and the Companion Animal Capital Fund has been instrumental in helping New York City shelters implement important improvement projects so that more animals can be saved. As the Chair of the Senate for Agriculture and the new rescue cat mom, I am incredibly supportive of our local animal shelters and am thrilled that this latest round of grant funding is now available to help keep animals safe while they wait for their permanent home.”

Assembly Member Donna Lupardo, Chairman of the Assembly’s Agricultural Committee, said: “The Companion Animal Foundation is playing a critical role in helping shelters make much-needed improvements. New, expanded or renovated facilities will allow these organizations to continue to provide homeless animals with the highest quality of care while they await adoption into their homes. I would like to thank the Governor and my colleagues for their continued support of this important fund, which serves as a lifeline for these hardworking organizations and the animals in their care.”

Libby Post, Executive Director of the New York State Animal Welfare Federation, said: “When the Companion Animal Fund was launched, we knew it would make a difference in animal shelters across the state. Through the awards received through this RFP, New York State is investing $28 million to improve the lives of homeless companion animals cared for at the shelter. Governor Hochul recognized the importance of these funds when she included $5 million in her first executive budget. Our legislative leaders, Assemblyman Deborah Glick and State Senator Joe Addabbo, received an additional $3 million through budget processes in their respective houses. This round will add to the 51 shelters and countless animals that have already benefited from this important funding and will go a long way in enriching the lives of those we care about every day.”

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