Former Denison youth leader Chad Michael Ryder gets 60 years for child pornography

SHERMAN, TX (CBSDFW.COM) – Former youth pastor Chad Michael Ryder, 49, of Anna was sentenced to federal prison for violating child pornography regulations in the Eastern District of Texas.

U.S. Attorney Brit Featherston said that on July 22, 2022, a jury found him guilty of three counts of child sexual exploitation.

“He used his trusted roles as a church leader, guardian of at-risk teens, and trusted member of his community to install secret recording devices in bathrooms and other places where children were stripped. This shocking breach of trust was perpetrated by a man who falsely instilled a strong belief in good character in many parents in his community,” Featherston said. “This case is a stark reminder of our shared duty as citizens to look out for the most vulnerable among us. I appreciate the law enforcement officers, members of the community, and especially the victims, who had the courage to stand up and stop Ryder before he could become a victim of others.”

Ryder was sentenced to 60 years in federal prison by U.S. District Judge Amos L. Mazzan on February 17.

It was another investigation in August 2022 that led to Ryder’s arrest. According to court documents and court testimony, National Security agents were investigating another man, David Pettigrew, from Denison, for alleged child pornography offenses. During this investigation, agents confiscated a computer hard drive from Pettigrew’s office at the Denison Church of the Nazarene. A forensic examination of the device revealed videos of Pettigrew and Ryder filming children while bathing in a church. Additional videos were found showing Ryder filming two other children in the living quarters.

“This defendant and his associates routinely hunted for the innocence of several children who looked to him for guidance as members of his church. He wasn’t worried that his insidious actions might change the lives of those he victimized,” said Lester R. Hayes Jr., HSI Dallas Special Agent. “Unfortunately, no amount of imprisonment can restore their innocence, but rest assured, this community is safer with this sexual pervert behind bars.”

The case was brought under the Safe Childhood Project, a nationwide initiative launched in May 2006 by the Department of Justice to combat the growing epidemic of child sexual exploitation and abuse.

Ryder’s case was investigated by Homeland Security with the help of the Anna Police Department and prosecuted by Assistant U.S. Attorneys Marisa J. Miller and Jay Combs.

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