Former Biden censorship czar announces plan to take legal action against Fox News that instantly backfires with hilarious results

She should be laughed at out of court if things go that far.

But first, she gets ridiculed on social media.

And Nina Jankovic in the last turn in the public spotlight, both well deserved.

Most Americans first became acquainted with Yankovic when she was announced as head of the new, Orwellian “Council to Manage Disinformation.” government agencies have been taking care of undercover business on behalf of Democrats since the Trump administration.

Fortunately for the future of the Republic, the Disinformation Management Council was halted after a national storm erupted over the idea of ​​President Joe Biden’s administration — or any other administration — to set fire to everything the First Amendment stands for.

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But not before the nation learned what verifiable left-wing lunatic the Biden administration had chosen to head its blatantly unconstitutional project to suppress opinions it didn’t like.

Now the noble Nina is back in the public eye, announcing a fundraiser to raise enough money to sue Fox News for… allowing the presenter to speak an opinion she doesn’t like.

In a long, whiny video posted last week to Twitter and a GoFundMe page, Yankovic is trying to raise $100,000 to pay for a lawsuit against Fox for, she wrote, “their malicious, reckless lies about me.”

Interestingly, the video is filled with examples of Fox figures such as Tucker Carlson, Sean Hannity and Laura Ingram hitting Yankovic and the agency she ran. It consists almost entirely of opinion journalists who voice opinions that not only was the Disinformation Management Council an abomination, but Yankovic herself had no right to censor American opinion.

And now, to prove that she was supposedly lied about as some kind of state-funded censorship singing diva, Yankovic is trying to raise money from gullible libs to become confidentially funded singing censorship diva.

It didn’t go well.

For starters, the GoFundMe page, as of early Sunday afternoon EST, had only raised about $12,900 of its $100,000 goal, three days after it launched. (Given the high status of Yankovic and the number of liberal lunatics in this country, this is terrible.)

But more importantly, the social media world where Yankovic gave her presentation erupted in derision. Yankovic’s tweet received a small amount of supportive responses, but the vast, vast majority hit the target that Yankovic had put on her back without difficulty.


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This is a good example:

It is important to note that this does not happen in a vacuum.

First, Fox was also sued for defamation in a major case filed by voting machine maker Dominion. The lawsuit accuses the network of “knowingly repeating the lies of former President Trump, his aides and allies,” according to a Friday report by The Hill.

The report also notes that neither Fox nor Dominion showed any interest in suing.

(Unlike, say, CNN and The Washington Post, when those once-respectable news organizations vilified a Kentucky teenager named Nicholas Sandmann because they didn’t like his hat, Fox actually has the Constitution in its legal arsenal.)

There’s no doubt Yankovic knows the Fox-Dominion lawsuit is in the headlines right now. You can bet she cynically hopes to capitalize on this with this trick.

Second, it’s not specifically mentioned on the GoFundMe page, but Yankovic makes it clear that the funds she’s raising will not be limited to funding an alleged lawsuit against Fox:

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“They will also pay for my other security and legal costs related to the actions of Fox News. Below is a list of some of my current expenses:

“In early December, Representative Jim Jordan made it clear that he intended to subpoena me before his new federal government arms subcommittee. He keeps lying about me and my work. I had to hire a lawyer who specializes in congressional investigations to help me navigate this process…”

Yankovic also mentioned the need to seek legal protection from persistent harassers and the need to hire a lawyer in other “frivolous, pointless lawsuits” where she appears as a defendant.

But of greatest public interest is Yankovic’s potential subpoena, described by Ohio Rep. Jim Jordan, to swear her into the progressive war on free speech.

That’s what Yankovic should be worried about – and that’s what the progressive establishment should be worried about too.

With Twitter owner Elon Musk using “Twitter Files” to expose the truth about how the FBI worked with Twitter against Donald Trump, with Republicans in the House of Representatives with subpoena power to get aspiring totalitarians like Yankovic on the record about what they have been trying to do for freedom of expression in the United States, the left has a lot to worry about.

None of this is laughable—certainly not the Progressives’ attempts to truly destroy democracy (which they chronically accuse conservatives of).

Yankovic couldn’t even get a lawyer to file such a crappy case against Fox. And if the case ever comes to court, it should be ridiculed.

But first, and fittingly, she gets bullied on social media.

Never before has a public figure been so publicly convicted of hypocrisy – and she did it solely for herself.

This article originally appeared in The Western Journal.

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