Former Arlington private school administrator arrested for sex with female student

Former Arlington A private school administrator has been arrested and charged after being accused of having sex with a female student.

David Langwell, 52, worked as an equipment director for Oak Ridge School until 2020. According to Arlington Policethe case began to be investigated after the protest of the victim in 2022.

According to a letter the school sent to the parents, the alleged behavior happened to a high school student after Langwell finished work at Oak Ridge School. Languelle began work in July 2011 and ended in September 2020 for reasons unrelated to student safety, school officials said.

“We were unable to release this information during the ongoing investigation by the authorities prior to his recent arrest,” said Matt Burgee, headmaster of the Oak Ridge School. “To the best of our knowledge, there was no inappropriate physical contact with any student on the Oak Ridge campus, nor during his tenure at Oak Ridge School.”

Following an investigation by the Crimes Against Children Division, police received two warrants for his arrest, one count of child sexual abuse and one count of online harassment of a minor.

“The school immediately investigated to the best of its ability and provided the Child Protective Services (CPS) and the Arlington Police Department with the results of our investigation,” Burgey said.

Langwell was arrested and imprisoned in the Arlington City Jail on January 19. According to the documents, he was transferred to the Tarrant County Jail the next day and released on bail two days later.

The APD refused to issue an arrest warrant, citing the department’s policy on investigating sexual assaults involving children. It is unclear if Languel hired a lawyer.

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