Father beats sex offender to death with elk antlers

A father killed a sex offender he thought was stalking his daughter with an elk horn and a shovel.

Levi Axtell, who was 27 years old, beat Lawrence Scully, who was 77 years old. He then drove to the sheriff’s office covered in blood and turned himself in.

Pat Eliasen, sheriff of the city of Grand Mare, Minnesota, which has a population of just under 1,340, said the death was “a real shock.”

In 1979, Scully was found guilty of abusing a girl who was only six years old.

Axtell and Scully hadn’t liked each other for a long time.

In 2018, Axtell said that Scully watched him take his 22-month-old daughter for a walk after she left kindergarten.

Chasing kids in his van

“He used to go there often, watching the kids in his van,” Axtell wrote in the request for a protection order.

“He is a convicted child molester. It is wrong for him to follow my daughter and try to get close to her, and he needs to stop.”

The Star Tribune reported that Axtell’s request was initially granted, but was denied a few weeks later.

Then, two years later, Axtell posted on Facebook about how angry he was.

In his post was a picture of a man with a gun, and under it were written the words “Only a cure for pedophiles.” Bullet.”

He continued, “People always ask me why I hate pedophiles. People think they insulted me. But I think protection is what Axtell is all about.”

Court records show that someone called the police last Wednesday after seeing a car drive into Scully’s driveway. After that, the driver crashed the car and crashed into the house.

Screams were heard

The sworn letter states: “Then the citizen heard screams coming from the house.” “About a minute later, still on the phone, the man told the dispatcher that the man was on his way to the police station, which is about three blocks away.”

Axtell drove to the police station covered in blood, where he put his hands on his head and said, “I killed Scully.”

Axtell then told the police that he was going to hurt someone and asked to be handcuffed.

The tweet below confirms the news:

He told police that he hit Scully 15 to 20 times with a shovel before “finishing him” with a large deer antler.

The court affidavit stated that Scully had suffered serious head injuries. He also had wounds on his arms that appear to have been from a fight.

Axtell, who was charged with second-degree murder, told police that he saw Scully park his van in areas frequented by children.

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Released from prison in 1982

Sheriff Eliasen said that Scully was found guilty of sexual assault and that he was released from prison in 1982.

He said there were more charges against Scully, but investigations turned up no more crimes.

Eliasen said most of the reports were about harassment.

When Axtell showed up in court last Thursday, District Attorney Molly Hicken said, “It was a brutal attack on an old man for no reason.”

Although Axtell’s lawyer objected, bail was set at $1 million.

Even though Axtell was only convicted of disorderly conduct and underage drinking, the court accepted the charge that he was at high risk of absconding.

Axtell is being held in jail because he can’t post bail. April 10 is the date of the next court hearing.

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