California Health Care Foundation Pushes ‘Health Equity’ into Medical Field

The California Health Care Foundation (CHCF) claims that the healthcare industry is structurally racist and has taken steps to advance Critical Race Theory in the medical field.

The foundation articulated its health equity agenda in a statement, which claimed that the healthcare system was marred by structural racism. 

“Too many Californians face structural barriers to care based on factors like the color of their skin, their ethnic background, where they live, or the language they speak,” it read. It went on to say “Like the nation as a whole, California has long maintained policies, practices, and norms that are biased against people of color.”

“Health care is just one of many systems —including housing, education, and employment —that perpetuate this structural racism,” the statement added. 

In addition, CHCF assisted in developing an online implicit bias training course, which seeks to teach healthcare providers that “bias and racism are embedded in the healthcare system.”

The course was developed to meet the requirement of California’s Senate Bill 464, which mandates that certain hospitals provide implicit bias training. 

Lead scientist and CEO for Diversity Science Michelle Van Ryn hopes that people will cause health organizations and professionals to “center Black birthing people in their effort to achieve birth equity by creating systemic change.”

The statement uses the term “birthing people” in order “to recognize that not all people who become pregnant and give birth identify as a woman or a mother.”

CHCF also states that they are “helping health care delivery organizations understand anti-racism as a legitimate health intervention and creating tools for confronting racism denial” and to “combat racism.” One workshop event hosted in part by CHCF focused on four messages, listed as “Racism exists. Racism is a system. Racism saps the strength of the whole society,” and “We can act to dismantle racism.”

The workshop description claimed “Racism is a huge roadblock to achieving racial equity in the United States, yet many people are in staunch denial of its continued existence and its profoundly negative impacts on the health and well-being of the nation.”

The two-and-a-half-hour long workshop was split into three parts: “Framing the work: anti-racism as a legitimate health intervention,” “Naming racism: communication tools for confronting racism denial,” and “Moving to action: levers for intervention and the power of collective action.”

The CHCF also hosted a “health equity” fellowship program that appears to give preference to non-white people over white people on the basis of their race.

“The mission of the CHCF Health Equity Fellows program is to identify, develop, and support emerging leaders who are Black, Indigenous, and other people of color,” the description of the health equity fellowship, which is archived here, reads.

It also notes “This fellowship focuses on developing emerging BIPOC leaders via leadership development, training, and experience with grantmaking for health equity-centered work.”

The foundation articulated its diversity, inclusion, and equity (DIE) agenda in a statement that claimed “Historical and continued oppression and the dominance of white culture result in widespread inequities in our society, which are maintained both through interpersonal interactions and through policies across systems and institutions.”

“Imagine a health care system where all Californians get the care we need when we need it, a system designed to redress, not perpetuate, inequities faced by historically and currently excluded groups,” it went on to say.

The foundation also noted “we commit to the values of diversity, equity, and inclusion” before explaining “These values inform our strategy and how we deploy resources, form our partnerships, frame our communications, produce research and analysis, and champion solutions.”

CHCF is a well-funded organization, with their most recent financial documents revealing that the nonprofit’s net investment and income for fiscal year 2022 was nearly $50 million. Meanwhile, the organization had a whopping $953,883,894 in net assets at the end of the fiscal year, which concluded on March 31st 2022. 

CHCF is just one organization in the health equity movement to embed Critical Race Theory into the medical field. 

Organizations such as the National Academy for State Health Policy, as well as the American Medical Association, have advocated for “health equity.” Meanwhile, numerous state-based public health officials in Utah, New York, and Minnesota adopted health equity policies that discriminated against white patients in their triaging process for monoclonal antibody treatment.

President Biden’s Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), led by Secretary Xavier Becerra, has also taken part in the health equity movement. One document urges healthcare clinics to create practice guidelines that “include and are aligned with a commitment to anti-racism and an understanding of race as a political and social construct, not a physiological one.”

Spencer Lindquist is a reporter for Breitbart News. Follow him on Twitter @SpencerLndqst and reach out at [email protected]

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