ACLU sues to halt Texas ban on drag shows

ACLU Challenges Texas Drag Ban Law in Lawsuit Against Texas Attorney General

AUSTIN, Texas – The American Civil Liberties Union of Texas (ACLU) has taken legal action to oppose the proposed drag ban law, Senate Bill 12, which is slated to take effect on September 1. In a lawsuit filed by the organization, The Woodlands Pride, Abilene Pride Alliance, two drag production and entertainment companies deeply affected by the ban, as well as prominent Austin-based drag artist Brigitte Bandit, are represented.

Bandit expressed her concerns, stating, “Texas queens and kings from across our great state have been targets of threats and misinformation as a result of the anti-drag law. Our community will not be used as a scapegoat or a distraction by politicians who do not know who we are or what we do.”

The ACLU argues that S.B. 12 violates both the First and Fourteenth Amendments, jeopardizing the livelihood and freedom of expression of numerous Texans, including drag performers. Under the ban, any performance that could be perceived as “sexual” is targeted, with proposed criminal penalties, including up to a year of imprisonment, for artists and their supporters.

According to the ACLU, this law’s language is excessively broad and poses a threat to a wide range of constitutionally protected performances. Notably, it includes touring Broadway plays, professional cheerleading routines, karaoke nights, and drag shows — anywhere that minors might be present. Such a sweeping restriction would effectively hinder the diverse landscape of artistic expression within the state.

Brian Klosterboer, an attorney representing the ACLU of Texas, vehemently stated, “The Texas Drag Ban is stunningly broad in scope and will chill entire genres of free expression in our state. This law flies in the face of the First Amendment. No performer should ever be thrown in jail because the government disfavors their speech, and we are asking the Court to block this affront to every Texan’s constitutional rights.”

In light of this development, the complete lawsuit can be accessed below for further examination.

This legal action by the ACLU showcases their commitment to upholding the fundamental rights of individuals, while also bringing attention to the potential consequences of enacting such legislation. The outcome of this lawsuit will have significant implications not only for the drag community but also for the broader artistic landscape within Texas. As the trial progresses, the nation eagerly awaits the Court’s decision and its subsequent impact.

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