According to documents, the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) did not take into account the side effects of post-vaccination screenings.

Recently published documents show that serious side effects, such as heart inflammation, were deliberately excluded from vaccine post-vaccination surveys distributed by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). The documents also show that the CDC knew there could be problems with Covid-19 vaccinations.

Even before the polls rolled out in December 2020 after the first vaccines were approved, the CDC knew that myocarditis — a form of heart inflammation that has been confirmed to be caused by the Pfizer and Moderna shots — and other serious side effects represented ” special interest”. ” when it came to vaccines, according to a recently released version of the protocol for the polling system.

The November 19, 2020 protocol (pdf) for the V-safe survey system lists myocarditis, stroke, death, and a dozen “predefined diseases.” The protocol was received by the non-profit Informed Consent Action Network (ICAN), which is committed to transparency in health information. All conditions can cause severe symptoms.

V-safe is a survey system that was introduced during the COVID-19 pandemic to monitor vaccine safety. It was developed and operated by the CDC.

Updated versions of the protocol list the same 15 adverse events. None of the conditions were included in the actual surveys.

Respondents could tick boxes if they had certain symptoms, but only 10 lower-level problems, such as fever and nausea, were listed as options.

“It is deeply disturbing that the CDC will design V-safe in such a way that it will not allow it to easily assess the level of harm from adverse events that the CDC has already identified as potentially caused by these products,” Aaron Siri, a lawyer representing ICAN. “This casts doubt on what the CDC was actually trying to achieve with V-safe. Has he tried to evaluate the actual safety of these products? Or was he trying to develop a system that would be more likely to confirm his previous public statements about the safety of these products?”

The CDC did not respond to a request for comment for this article.

V-Safe Data Finally Revealed

The CDC deployed V-safe in December 2020. Americans were asked to use surveys, which are only accessible via smartphones, to report how they felt after being vaccinated.

“With V-safe, you can quickly tell the CDC if you have any side effects after receiving the COVID-19 vaccine,” one poster advertising the tool reads.

Users were asked how they were feeling, if they had a fever, their temperature, and general symptoms. They were also asked if they could not work or go about their daily activities and if they needed medical attention.

About 10 million people have registered up to July 31, 2022.

The CDC described the results of numerous V-safe studies, but refused to release the raw data until ICAN filed a lawsuit against it. Data released by ICAN in October 2022 showed that more than 3.2 million people sought medical attention or missed school, work, or other normal activities after being vaccinated.

The CDC released some data on V-safe on December 1, 2022, a few months after the voluntary deadline.

Hiding free text entries

V-safe users could report serious adverse events, but only if they wrote them down in a custom text field.

The prompt was: “Any other symptoms or health conditions you wish to report.”

The CDC has resisted releasing the results from the field, insisting it would be too onerous to check 6.8 million records for personal information (PII), according to a joint status report submitted to the court in November 2022.

The agency denied ICAN’s request for a random sample of several hundred records, which Plaintiffs say supports their argument that the records likely contain little or no PII, such as names and addresses.

The records are important because they will show how many respondents reported having pre-defined side effects, such as heart inflammation.

Instead, the CDC offered to review all records and convert them to medical codes, according to the filing.

“Obviously he was willing to do this because while it would be more time consuming and complicated than just checking PII, doing so would allow the CDC to hide much of what is actually written in the free text fields from the public. . ”, the ICAN document says.

The group said the CDC, which has recommended vaccination for virtually all Americans, “appears to be clearly concerned about being transparent to the public because what the data might show could be contrary to the recommendations it has put forward to deprive people of their jobs, their livelihoods, schooling, military careers, and other harms” and that disclosure of the records “could potentially reveal data that contradicts the CDC’s assertion of a low incidence of various serious problems, such as tinnitus, myocarditis, and small fiber neuropathy, from this product.”

The plaintiffs sought a summary judgment on the free text entries, which the CDC opposed. U.S. District Judge Robert Pitman, appointed by Obama to oversee the case, allowed the agency to release all documents it deems not subject to the Freedom of Information Act before it makes a decision or dismisses the case. The next joint status report is scheduled to be submitted by 3 February.

– Telegraph services

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