VIDEO: Two men seen breaking into mailboxes at Northwest Austin apartment buildings

Security measures have been implemented at Mesa Village Condominiums in Northwest Austin after multiple break-ins, but it seems the measures have not been sufficient to deter criminals. Two men in security suits were caught on camera earlier this month slipping through the locked gate and stealing mail, apparently with a master key. Residents have expressed their concern, with some reporting stolen medical bills and gifts from loved ones. Council Member Mackenzie Kelly has also been made aware of several incidents of mail theft and has taken steps to address the issue.

Kelly has reached out to various entities and sent a memo to the interim city manager requesting a change of master keys for mailboxes throughout the city. While mail theft is a federal crime, Kelly stated that the community is frustrated and rightly so. The United States Postal Inspection Service has received reports of mail theft in Austin and actively works with local law enforcement partners and the community to identify those responsible for the theft of mail. However, in order to protect the integrity of the investigation, no further details can be released.

The Postal Inspection Service has provided tips to postal customers to minimize the risk of becoming a victim of mail theft. They recommend checking mailboxes daily and removing mail as quickly as possible. Postal Inspectors also suggest dropping outgoing mail into the mail slot within the concourse of the post office. It is important to note that mail theft is an opportunistic crime that usually takes place during the night when there are fewer people around to witness it.

Mail theft is a serious crime punishable by up to five years in prison and substantial fines. Postal inspectors rely on customer reports to identify any items taken from the mail. If you are a victim of mail theft, it should be reported to your local police and to the Postal Inspection Service by calling their hotline or visiting their website. Residents of Mesa Village Condominiums and other nearby compounds are cautioned to take additional precautions to prevent their mail from being taken until measures can be taken to prevent further incidents.

While the Postal Inspection Service has robust security measures in place to protect the contents of every mailbox, thieves will use a variety of methods and tools to attempt to bypass these measures. In light of recent incidents in Austin, it is important for postal customers to be vigilant and alert authorities if they witness any suspicious activity around mailboxes. The community deserves better protection against this type of crime, and it is vital for officials to take action to address the serious issue of mail theft.

Content and Photo credit go to Texas Standard

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