Vice President Harris Blasts Officials for ‘Gaslighting’ Florida Students

TALLAHASSEE, Fla. — Florida’s education system has become the center of a heated debate as Vice President Kamala Harris accused state officials of “gaslighting” school children. During her visit to Jacksonville, Harris delivered a passionate speech lasting almost 25 minutes, denouncing the newly approved African American history standards for public schools in the state.

Addressing the crowd, Harris expressed her displeasure with the actions of Florida’s State Board of Education, who gave their approval to the standards just two days prior. The board had claimed that these standards had undergone rigorous scrutiny by a task force and boasted their comprehensive coverage of both positive and negative aspects of Black history.

However, this approval has not been without controversy, with critics asserting that the standards contain glaring omissions. One specific point on page 71, concerning slaves’ development of skills for their personal benefit, has sparked particular outrage among dissenters. Harris labeled the standards as “outrageous” and urged the audience to resist what she believed to be propaganda.

While Harris’ visit may seem focused on education, political experts suggest it also serves as a strategic move leading up to the 2024 election. Sean Foreman, a professor of political science at Barry University, believes the visit is a signal that the Biden administration has not forgotten about Florida, despite the Democratic Party’s setbacks during the 2022 midterms.

Foreman states, “The Harris visit is a good sign for Florida Democrats who have been looking for any signal that the National Democrats haven’t given up on them.”

Although the Democratic Party may view Harris’ visit as an opportunity to make inroads in the state, Republicans wasted no time voicing their opposition. Governor Ron DeSantis took to Twitter, accusing the Biden administration of spreading lies to promote their agenda of indoctrinating students. Christian Ziegler, Florida’s GOP chair, also criticized Harris for not addressing what he perceives as a more pressing issue: the influx of migrants at the southern border.

Ziegler remarks, “Our border — millions just pouring over. She’s actually the border czar. Instead of being down there doing her job, she’s jumping on the first flight she can to come to Florida…”

This trip marks Harris’ eighth visit to the state since being sworn in as vice president. The frequency of her visits suggests that national Democrats are seriously considering reclaiming Florida as a swing state in the upcoming 2024 election. As the election draws near, it is likely that Florida will continue to witness the presence of the vice president and intensified political activity in the state.

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