Ukrainians sing songs while sheltering from Russian assault

Ukrainians forced to shelter in Kyiv metro stations broke out into tender songs of defiance Monday as Russian missiles rained down on the capital.

Moving videos showed stations completely packed with people on platforms, stairs and stationary trains — and a respectful silence other than a chorus of voices singing the national anthem and other traditional songs.

One clip caught people cheering and giving a huge round of applause after one of the underground performances came to an end.

“How I adore our people,” said one of the Ukrainians sharing footage, Lina Molina, calling it proof they are a “nation of invincibles.”

Foreign Ministry adviser Liubov Tsybulska also shared footage, writing: “Russia, we sing and stay strong no matter how hard you try to kill us.”

Packed Kyiv station.
The songs broke out as people completely packed many of the underground stations to shelter from the first missile attacks on Kyiv in months.

Commentators compared it to scenes from the Blitz when Britons in London’s Underground stations listened to singers and even bands while sheltering from Nazi bombings.

Nazi leader Adolf “Hitler thought he could bomb them into surrender but his crimes simply made them more determined to bring an end to the Nazi enterprise,” one person wrote.

Russian President Vladimir Putin “never learned from history,” that commentator said.

People pack stairs of a Kyiv station Monday.
Cheers and applause broke out after people listened respectfully to the chorus of voices captured in one clip.

The songs of love and war broke out as the capital’s residents were forced to shelter underground for the first time in months, reminiscent of scenes during heavy bombardments early in Russia’s war.

Ukraine’s Foreign Ministry said that at least eight people had been killed and 24 others injured in the capital — with more victims in numerous other cities hit in the wide-reaching horrors Monday.

Kyiv Mayor Vitali Klitschko stood next to a giant crater in the city center as he begged people to stay away from the capital amid the threat of further attacks.

“The enemy wants to intimidate us, but will not succeed!” he said, praising his residents for being able to “keep calm” and carry on.

“Together, we will withstand,” he insisted.

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