Trenton’s Anchor House Honored with Bank of America Neighborhood Builders® Award

Trenton, NJ (Mercer) – Anchor House, a Trenton-based nonprofit organization, has received the prestigious Bank of America Neighborhood Builders® Award in recognition of its dedication to addressing youth homelessness in New Jersey. The award includes a substantial multi-year grant of $200,000, which will enable Anchor House to expand its existing programs and make a greater impact in Mercer County.

For the past 45 years, Anchor House has been at the forefront of preventing and ending youth homelessness by equipping young people with the skills they need to lead productive and independent lives. The organization operates the only youth shelter, transitional living, and street outreach program that specifically targets youth in Mercer County. Additionally, it runs one of the two supportive housing programs in the county for young adults.

The generous grant from Bank of America will provide crucial support for Anchor House’s expansion plans. The funds will be used to hire additional staff and establish a clinical department to enhance mental and behavioral health services in Mercer County. Furthermore, the organization aims to expand its Rapid Rehousing Program, explore direct leasing through building acquisition/ownership, and acquire a programmatic database to streamline its operations.

Kim McNear, the executive director of Anchor House, expressed her gratitude for the recognition and the financial support. She highlighted the increasing need for Anchor House’s programs, citing a recent report that revealed a 34% rise in homelessness in Mercer County between 2022 and 2023. Shockingly, 28% of those experiencing homelessness in the community were youth under 18. McNear emphasized that the grant from Bank of America will enable Anchor House to continue providing hope and life-changing programs to hundreds of young people, while also executing their three-year strategic plan.

In addition to the monetary assistance, Anchor House will also benefit from comprehensive leadership training for its executive director and an emerging leader within the organization. The training will cover a wide range of topics, including financial sustainability, human capital management, and strategic storytelling, equipping the organization with the necessary tools to ensure long-term success.

Alberto Garofalo, the president of Bank of America New Jersey, highlighted the significance of supporting nonprofits like Anchor House and CUMAC that address critical needs in local communities. He emphasized that the flexible funding and leadership training provided through the Neighborhood Builders® program demonstrate the bank’s commitment to creating meaningful change in the places where it operates.

Bank of America’s Neighborhood Builders® program is highly competitive and invitation-only. It is one of the largest philanthropic initiatives aimed at developing nonprofit leadership in the nation. A committee comprised of community leaders and past Builders awardees selects the nonprofits. In New Jersey alone, 40 organizations have been chosen as Neighborhood Builders since 2004, with Bank of America investing a total of $8 million in these local organizations.

Since 2004, Bank of America has invested over $300 million in nearly 100 communities across the United States. The bank has partnered with more than 1,600 nonprofits and has helped over 3,000 nonprofit leaders strengthen their leadership skills through the Neighborhood Builders and Champions program.

In conclusion, Anchor House’s receipt of the Bank of America Neighborhood Builders® Award is a testament to the organization’s unwavering commitment to combatting youth homelessness in Mercer County. The substantial grant and leadership training provided by Bank of America will empower Anchor House to expand its services, enhance mental and behavioral health support, and continue making a positive impact on the lives of vulnerable young people in the community.

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