Texas superintendent resigns after third grade student finds his gun unattended in a school bathroom

A boy found a gun at Rising Star Elementary School. Robbie Stuteville resigned as Superintendent of Rising Star Independent School District due to backlash.

A boy found a gun at Rising Star Elementary School. Robbie Stuteville resigned as Superintendent of Rising Star Independent School District due to backlash.

A Texas school district principal resigned after a third grade student found his handgun unattended in the school bathroom.

Robbie Stateville has filed for resignation from Rising Star Independent School District effective Monday. It will be formally adopted at a special board meeting on Thursday, Monty Jones, principal of the secondary school grades 6-12, said in a phone call with NBC News.

Jones will act as superintendent until the district finds a replacement.

Read the full story at nbcnews.com.

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texasstandard.news contributed to this report.

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