Suspect in fatal shooting of Port St. Lucie father apprehended by police

The Leesburg Police Department announced the arrest of Alex Lopez, 25, in Kissimmee late Wednesday night for the fatal shooting of Raied Shihadeh, 51, at his convenience store in Port St. Lucie last month. According to authorities, Lopez was apprehended by the Florida Department of Law Enforcement, following an intensive investigation into the tragic incident.

Raied Shihadeh, a devoted husband and father of five, was mercilessly gunned down on May 30 while attending to his duties at the store in Leesburg. Lopez callously stole $100 from the register before fleeing the scene, leaving behind a family shattered by the sudden loss of their beloved patriarch. Shihadeh, who was speaking with his wife on the phone at the time of the attack, leaves behind children ranging in age from 10 to 20.

Residing in Port St. Lucie, the Shihadeh family faced the challenge of Raied commuting between their home and the convenience store in Central Florida. Described by his wife Monique as a dedicated family man who always prioritized his loved ones, Raied’s untimely demise has left a void that cannot be filled. Monique expressed her heartfelt sentiments to WPTV journalist Stephanie Susskind, ensuring that the memory of her husband as a loving father and husband remains ingrained in the hearts of those who knew him.

In a statement shared on social media, the Leesburg Police Department extended their condolences to the grieving family of Raied ‘Ray’ Shihadeh, hoping that the arrest of Alex Lopez would offer some semblance of closure and comfort during this difficult time. The arrest marks a significant development in the case, bringing a sense of justice to a community reeling from the loss of a cherished member. The authorities continue to work diligently to ensure that those responsible for such heinous crimes are held accountable for their actions, providing a glimmer of hope for those affected by senseless acts of violence.

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