Spectrum of Solutions Joins Statewide Effort to Boost Pay for IDD Service Staff

Direct care positions within the realm of intellectual or developmental disabilities are currently earning a meager $10.60 per hour, a rate that is causing detrimental effects on services and contributing to a workforce crisis. The repercussions of such low wages are being keenly felt by organizations across West Texas, including the non-profit Spectrum of Solutions, which has recently aligned itself with Time To Care TX, a coalition striving to bolster wages for direct support professionals, or DSPs.

Kayla Minchew, the Executive Director of Spectrum of Solutions, emphasized the challenges posed by the daunting wage rate, stating, “Nobody really wants to work for $10.60 an hour in any industry, and this is an especially tough industry.” The deficiency in compensation is not only impacting the workforce but also the quality of care provided to individuals with intellectual or developmental disabilities, leading to a significant shortage of staff within organizations like Spectrum of Solutions and throughout the state.

The crucial role played by DSPs in assisting individuals with intellectual or developmental disabilities encompasses a wide array of responsibilities, ranging from daily living skills to behavioral support and medical tasks such as medication administration and colostomy care. The pressing issue of low wages has resulted in a workforce crisis, with over 230 group home organizations similar to Spectrum of Solutions shuttering their doors in Texas in the year 2023.

Recognizing the urgency of the situation, Larry Hill, a founding member of Time To Care TX, stressed the importance of adequately compensating these essential workers to ensure the well-being of the vulnerable population they serve. Efforts are underway to raise wages to $15 per hour through legislative support, with the ultimate goal of enhancing the quality of services provided to individuals with intellectual disabilities.

In light of these developments, the collaboration between Spectrum of Solutions and other organizations affiliated with Time To Care TX aims to address the pressing need for fair compensation for direct care staff, with the belief that higher wages will not only improve the quality of services but also expand access to care for individuals with intellectual disabilities. As Minchew aptly summarizes, “They deserve the same great life that we all have.”

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