Santa Cruz Fentanyl Wrongful Death Lawsuit Reaches Partial Settlement

The family of Emma Lace Price, a 16-year-old from Santa Cruz, has tentatively settled their wrongful death lawsuit against Michael Russell, the man with whom their daughter was with when she died, and his parents. While the civil lawsuit against Michael Russell is still in progress, the family has reached a confidential agreement with his parents.

A recent coroner’s report revealed that Price died in November 2021 from an overdose of fentanyl, as well as a combination of other drugs, including flualprazolam and cocaine. She was in the Corralitos home of Michael J. Russell, a 24-year-old who was never charged criminally for Price’s death. Nonetheless, Russell was sentenced to 10 years in prison earlier this year for the provision of narcotics to Price and another minor, along with engaging in physical relations with both teenage girls.

The Price family also filed a wrongful death lawsuit in civil court, which alleges that Russell and his family delayed the medical assistance that might have rescued their daughter. According to the suit, the parents knew about their son’s prior involvement with “young/underage girls” and that their home offered a venue for criminal behavior against underage girls.

Michael Price, Emma’s father, spoke of the family’s refusal to be silent about the matter. “I think all of us as a family…we just knew we were going to make a big deal [out of this]. This wasn’t going to be something we were going to be quiet about and go away and not make public…It was devastating to our community, to our family.” Neither Michael Russell nor his parents have yet responded to the allegations, according to court records.

Since the Price family is still pursuing their civil suit against Michael Russell, they are unable to close the case. For the Investigative Unit’s yearlong coverage of the event, visit Investigative Reporter Candice Nguyen worked on this story. To offer a tip on this or another case, contact [email protected].

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