San Antonio’s Unsheltered Face Increasing Hardships in Sweltering Heat

A group of dedicated outreach workers from Christian Assistance Ministry (CAM) in San Antonio are making a significant impact in the lives of the unsheltered homeless population, particularly during extreme heatwaves. The scorching temperatures, which have soared to a dangerous 106 degrees, pose serious risks to those living on the streets, making the work of CAM even more crucial during these challenging times.

Dawn White-Fosdick, the President & CEO of CAM, recognizes that their frontline workers are currently fighting two major battles. They not only have to navigate the pre-existing dangers of being homeless but also help these vulnerable individuals survive the oppressive heat. Heather Clemons, an integral member of CAM’s outreach team, empathizes deeply with the people they serve. She mentioned, “We know what it’s like to stay at Haven. We know what it’s like to be out here.”

The dedication of the CAM outreach team is evident as they tirelessly check in on the overlooked homeless population in downtown San Antonio. During a ride-along with KENS 5, the team showcased their efforts by recognizing multiple residents by name and offering them water and cooling towels. Clemons expressed her passion for this work, stating, “One of the very best parts of our day is to get out and do this.”

For many of the homeless people in San Antonio, seeking refuge in cooling centers may not be a viable option due to various factors, including mental health conditions like paranoid schizophrenia. Recognizing this, CAM takes their services directly to the individuals, providing much-needed relief in the form of water and cooling measures. Kevin Johnson, a Marine Corps veteran who has been temporarily displaced, expressed his gratitude as the outreach workers provided him with water and a cooling towel.

White-Fosdick emphasizes the vital role that outreach workers play in preventing tragic outcomes. “Part of the work of outreach workers…is to be there for people and notice the people others may not notice and really do something about it before it gets out of hand and someone loses their life,” she explained. The scorching heat exacerbates existing mental health issues and substance abuse problems, as evidenced by CAM’s assistance in reviving individuals experiencing overdoses.

While the immediate goal of CAM’s outreach workers is to ensure the survival and well-being of their clients, they also strive to inspire and motivate them to make positive changes in their lives. By engaging in daily conversations and offering essential resources such as food, showers, bus tickets, and utility assistance, CAM aims to empower individuals to transition off the streets. White-Fosdick shared her joy in seeing progress, mentioning, “We’ve had two or three clients that we can’t believe said yes to us this week, meaning we’ve seen them outside for a long time, and they were willing to visit about going into shelter and staying somewhere.”

As the summer heatwave persists, CAM has identified their greatest needs: water, cooling towels, and umbrellas. These simple items can make a significant difference in helping people beat the heat and stay hydrated. CAM encourages the community to support their efforts and learn more about free fans and cooling centers through their website.

In conclusion, the compassionate outreach workers from Christian Assistance Ministry in San Antonio are actively making a positive impact on the lives of the unsheltered homeless population, especially during the current heatwave. Their commitment to providing relief, resources, and support demonstrates the importance of their work in helping individuals not only survive but also thrive.

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