Round Rock City Council Chambers Gallery Presents New Art Exhibit

New Art Exhibition by Ruben Miranda Unveiled at Round Rock City Council Chambers Gallery

Round Rock City Council Chambers Gallery has unveiled a new solo exhibition, showcasing the imaginative art of Ruben Miranda. The unique art pieces with a hummingbird motif explore the natural world in a variety of expressive ways. The exhibit has been curated by Round Rock Arts and Culture.

Artist Ruben Miranda has created a stunning series of art pieces, which are based on his love for nature and hummingbirds. His style comprises of faces with planes and looping curves, with nature colors, mechanical and cultural forms, flora and fauna forms, and distinctive symbols. His work is unique, manifesting a streamlined surreal modernism executed in a spontaneous way.

The bold outline of Miranda’s art pieces is immediately recognizable, yet subtle when blended into the forms. Parts of the human body in his artwork are recognizable and only as disproportionate as in real life. Although not a traditional style, Miranda’s art pieces exude an idealized image of the natural world, presenting a contemporary and expressive form of art.

Miranda was born in San Juan, Puerto Rico, on January 31, 1955, and completed his B.A. in Art Education at the University of Puerto Rico in Rio Piedras in 1971. He has studied printmaking, drawing, painting, sculpture, and ceramics under the tutelage of world-class professors Felix Bonilla Norat, Luis Hernández Cruz, and Susana Herrero, among others. In 1976, he won awards in painting and drawing at the Festival de Navidad del Ateneo Puertorriqueño. In 1981, he received an individual artist fellowship from the Florida Arts Council and the National Endowment for the Arts. In 2013, he was the recipient of the first-place selection for the 10th Anniversary Celebration of the Fort Worth Center for the Arts.

The exhibit is open now and will be available for viewing until June 30, 2023, at the Round Rock City Council Chambers Gallery. Admission is free, and visitors can enjoy an exceptional experience exploring the expressive forms of nature through Miranda’s artwork.

The city of Round Rock Arts and Culture Department provided the image and information for the exhibit promoting the arts and culture of the Round Rock community. With this latest exhibition, they have successfully brought creativity and imagination to the forefront, showcasing the magic of nature and art in one multi-dimensional exhibit.

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