Robbinsville Under State Of Emergency Due To Ongoing Water Crisis, Possible Weekend Extension

Robbinsville Township, NJ, June 2, 2023 – The Township of Robbinsville issued a press release notifying Aqua Water customers in Robbinsville, Windsor and neighboring municipalities of a water pressure issue that began on Thursday, causing low to non-existent water pressure. According to an Aqua representative, the State of Emergency declared on Friday by the Robbinsville Office of Emergency Management (OEM) was due to a planned maintenance event following a water well failure.

The company confirmed that it was actively working on the matter and predicted that the pressure gradient would increase overnight. However, the development did not materialize. Aqua has advised customers that the water pressure problems could persist through the weekend.

The Robbinsville School District was informed on Friday afternoon that all repairs would be completed by Sunday night. Consequently, Sharon Elementary School had to remain closed while Pond Road Middle School and Robbinsville High School were dismissed early. In light of this situation, Aqua is requesting their customers to conserve water when possible.

During a media briefing at the Municipal Building, Mayor Dave Fried expressed his frustration with the lack of communication on Aqua’s part. “The biggest challenge that we’ve had has been a lack of communication. Aqua did not notify us about what they were doing regarding its well maintenance, or how they were doing it,” he said.

The mayor added that their lack of communication caused the Robbinsville school district to close schools, in addition to Amazon – one of the biggest distribution hubs globally. Mayor Fried also expressed his disappointment that this was a self-inflicted wound, reporting that Aqua did not work with them and did not put contingency plans in place before undertaking the maintenance.

As the township continues to pass along any information as it becomes available, the Robbinsville Police Department’s non-emergency number is available for those seeking water or a cooling station this weekend.

In related news, the Amazon warehouse on New Canton Way appeared to have only essential personnel working, while the parking lot, typically full, was empty this afternoon, causing the warehouse to shut down due to low water pressure. Additionally, a contractor set up a tent and portable toilets at the location. An approximately 1-million-gallon water tank sits along the New Jersey Turnpike with the Robbinsville Township and Aqua Water logo on it welcoming people to Robbinsville. A large Aqua water tank sits behind the office on Black Forest Drive in Hamilton Township. The Hamilton Township and Aqua logos can be seen from I-295.

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