Rise in Child-Involved Accidental Shootings, Reports CDC

Gun safety advocates are raising concerns about the increasing number of accidental shootings involving children. According to a recent study released by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, unintentional gun deaths have reached a 20-year high in 2021. The study highlights two common factors in these incidents: the firearms involved are loaded, and they are not stored securely.

In the past five years, Palm Beach County and the Treasure Coast have witnessed nine accidental shootings that resulted in injuries or fatalities among children. The gun safety group “Everytown” maintains a database that tracks such incidents, shedding light on the alarming frequency of these tragedies.

The most recent case occurred in West Palm Beach, where an 8-year-old girl was shot inside a vehicle. While she is expected to survive, the incident serves as a stark reminder of the devastating consequences of accidental shootings involving children.

Colleen Creighton, a representative from the firearm safety group “Brady,” emphasizes that children often come into contact with guns in places like bedrooms, closets, and cars. Creighton points out that individuals often fail to properly secure their firearms, leaving them accessible to children. She highlights the urgency of the issue, raising questions about the long-term trauma experienced by victims and their families.

State Representative Christine Hunschofsky, a Democrat from Parkland, Florida, is taking action to address this issue. She is sponsoring a bill that would require gun owners with children in their households to lock their firearms when not in use. Hunschofsky believes that such legislation is crucial in preventing unnecessary and tragic incidents. Although her previous proposal did not make it to the Florida House floor, she remains hopeful that her new bill will receive a more favorable reception.

In the absence of legislation, the Brady group recommends several steps for gun owners with children to minimize the risk of accidental shootings. These steps include proper storage of firearms and ensuring they are inaccessible to children. By taking such precautions, gun owners can play a vital role in safeguarding their families and preventing avoidable tragedies.

The alarming rise in unintentional gun deaths among children highlights the urgent need for increased gun safety measures. Advocates and lawmakers alike are working towards implementing stricter regulations to protect vulnerable individuals.

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