Pastor Allegedly Whips 8 Students at Orlando Prep School, Parents Allege

ORLANDO, Fla. – A disturbing incident unfolded at a preparatory school in Orlando on Thursday, prompting the swift response of local law enforcement. Reports had emerged of a pastor allegedly subjecting students to physical punishment with a belt during class.

Upon receiving a call regarding a “general disturbance,” authorities quickly arrived at the school located near 1960 Bruton Blvd. News 6 journalists were present at the scene, capturing the police presence and documenting the unfolding events.

One parent, who wished to remain anonymous, spoke with News 6 and revealed that his son was among the eight students who had fallen victim to the pastor’s disciplinary measures at St. Mark Preparatory School. According to the parent, a teacher at the school had singled out the students, pointing them out to the pastor, who then proceeded to administer the whippings.

Disturbingly, when confronted by the concerned parent about the incident, the pastor attempted to justify his actions by claiming that the “kids volunteered for it” as part of a game. The parent, however, expressed disbelief and concern, particularly because his son now bears a visible bruise as a result of the punishment.

It should be noted that the accused pastor is not a regular presence in the classroom and is not considered a formal employee of the school. This raises further questions about how and why such an individual was allowed to administer discipline to the students.

In a related development, another parent disclosed that her fourth-grade child was also among those subjected to the pastor’s disciplinary measures. She had received a phone call from the school earlier in the day, informing her of an “incident” involving her child.

Outside the school premises, a group of outraged parents gathered, demanding the immediate arrest of the pastor. They also expressed their desire for the teacher who facilitated the pastor’s actions to be held accountable for her role in the incident.

This distressing situation has caused significant concern within the local community. As investigations continue, it remains to be seen what actions will be taken to ensure the safety and well-being of the students at St. Mark Preparatory School. Updates on this incident will be provided as more information becomes available.

(Note: The content has been rewritten to reflect a formal tone with increased complexity and sentence variations while maintaining the original number of paragraphs.)

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