Over 68K Hemp Extract Packages Seized in ‘Operation Kandy Krush’ Targeting Children

Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services announced on Tuesday that an alarming number of illegal hemp extract products, targeted towards children, were discovered in Florida businesses during a recently concluded operation named “Operation Kandy Krush.” A comprehensive inspection of 475 food establishments spanning 37 counties in Florida led to the seizure of a staggering 68,689 packages, including euphoric and high-potency THC products, all packaged in a manner appealing to young kids.

In a press release, Florida Commissioner of Agriculture Wilton Simpson explained the significance of “Operation Kandy Krush,” stating that it represented the most extensive hemp inspection effort ever conducted in Florida. Concurrently, it sends a resolute message to the public that illegal and unsafe hemp products shall find no harbor in the state, with strict enforcement measures in place to ensure community safety. Commissioner Simpson also highlighted the department’s unwavering commitment to protecting Florida’s children and consumers.

Gov. Ron DeSantis signed SB 1676 into law earlier this year, closing a previously existing loophole in Florida’s hemp statutes. This legislation introduced pivotal measures intended to safeguard public health, including the regulation of age requirements for the purchase of hemp products intended for human consumption. Additionally, markteting strategies targeting children have been rendered unlawful. Furthermore, the law mandates that all hemp products sold in Florida must be packaged in containers that adhere to safety standards, thus highlighting the state’s commitment to maintaining the same health and safety benchmarks as other food products.

Specific criteria were established to identify prohibited items among the seized packages, many of which were designed in the shapes of humans, cartoons, or animals – bearing a strong resemblance to existing candy products. Additionally, products containing color additives were strictly forbidden. These rigorous prohibitions emphasize the state’s proactive stance in ensuring that children are not enticed by potentially harmful substances masquerading as innocuous treats.

The Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services, through “Operation Kandy Krush,” has taken a significant step towards curbing the proliferation of illegal hemp extract products that could pose a serious threat to the well-being of children. By enacting stronger regulations and enforcement measures, Florida aims to create a safer environment for its communities, guaranteeing the protection of its most vulnerable members.

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