Metal Detectors Deployed in Four Palm Beach County High Schools

Metal detectors have been introduced in four Palm Beach County high schools as part of a pilot program to test the effectiveness of these security devices. The schools that have implemented the metal detectors are Seminole Ridge Community High School, Palm Beach Lakes Community High School, John I. Leonard High School, and Palm Beach Gardens Community High School. The principals of these schools volunteered to be the first to test the equipment, demonstrating their commitment to ensuring the safety of their students.

The official pilot program will commence on August 10, coinciding with the first day of the new school year. Chief Sarah Mooney of the School District of Palm Beach County’s Police Department aims to gather sufficient information about the program’s progress by early September. This information will then be presented to the school board, enabling them to make an informed decision about whether to extend the use of metal detectors to all high schools within the district.

The decision to introduce metal detectors in Palm Beach County high schools was made after the School Board approved a contract, not surpassing $2.25 million, granting Superintendent Mike Burke the authority to purchase the security devices from CEIA USA, an Ohio-based company. However, concerns were raised by some board members regarding the logistical challenges of efficiently processing and screening thousands of students while maintaining punctuality.

Superintendent Burke reassured the board that no additional metal detectors would be purchased until the pilot program is thoroughly evaluated and its outcomes discussed. Despite the delayed purchase, approving the contract secures the current price for the metal detectors. This proactive step ensures that the district can take advantage of the agreed-upon price should they decide to proceed with the full implementation.

Incidents involving weapons on Palm Beach County high school campuses during the previous school year highlight the urgent need for increased security measures. Records show that over 27 weapons, including six firearms, were confiscated. Implementing metal detectors could serve as a viable solution to prevent such incidents in the future.

By piloting the metal detectors in these four high schools, the Palm Beach County School Board aims to assess their effectiveness in promoting a safer learning environment. This comprehensive evaluation will weigh the benefits and drawbacks of the security devices, taking into consideration logistical concerns and the impact on students’ punctuality. Ultimately, the pilot program will contribute valuable insights to the school board’s decision-making process regarding the further implementation of metal detectors in high schools across the district.

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