Leander’s Bledsoe Pool Hosts Doggie Pool Bash as Summer Comes to a Close

LEANDER, Texas – The Bledsoe Pool in Leander concluded its outdoor season with a grand finale. In a recent social media post, the city extended an invitation to all the canine companions, inviting them for one last splash before the pool’s closure.

“It’s truly remarkable that they organize such an event, allowing dogs to swim and have a great time. We often come here with our kids, so it’s a chance for our furry friends to shine as well,” expressed Keith Ellison, a delighted dog owner.

Notably, some of the four-legged participants showcased impressive skills. Competitions ranged from determining the dog that could leap the farthest to creating the biggest splash upon entry into the pool.

Blake Brown, a proud dog owner, shared, “Last year, she won the deepest dive competition, which led us to introduce the diving board. This time she’s enjoying diving off the side of the pool and the diving board. It’s all about having fun out here. We trained her to jump off the dock at Cedar Bark Park and even off the back of the boat on our lake adventures.”

In local news, the festivities were not confined to competitions alone. Older dogs relished the moment, either lounging by the poolside or taking leisurely swims.

“I find this event wonderful. I only recently discovered it and insisted on being here. One of my dogs loves the water, while the other prefers to stay away. But that’s perfectly alright,” expressed dog owner Joyce Smith, captivated by the relaxing atmosphere.

The enjoyment was not limited to the pets; their owners also reveled in the experience. Smith added, “It’s a fantastic event. The people are friendly, and seeing all these beautiful animals alongside mine is truly delightful. It’s a lot of fun for both the dogs and their owners.”

As the sun set on this memorable day, both the canines and their accompanying humans departed Bledsoe Pool, leaving behind fond memories of yet another year’s end to the outdoor swimming season in Leander.

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