Lawsuits in Florida question Uber’s driver screening

Uber Drivers Accused of Sexual Assault and Identity Theft

Recent lawsuits against Uber in Florida have accused the company of failing to properly screen drivers, allowing criminals behind the wheel and leading to incidents of sexual assault and identity theft. Two Floridians have filed lawsuits against Uber, blaming the ride-sharing giant of failing to properly screen its drivers to allow criminals behind the wheel. One woman said that an Uber driver sexually assaulted her, and a businessman claims his identity was stolen by an Uber driver. Both incidents resulted in lawsuits against Uber.

In one of the cases, a young woman who had been drinking heavily claims that an Uber driver took her on a four-hour ride during which he sexually assaulted her in the back seat of his car. She reported the incident to the police and was sent to a crisis center for a sexual assault exam. The driver, Anthony Oliveras Rivera, was charged with sexual battery and is currently in a Hillsborough County jail after pleading not guilty to the charges. The woman filed a lawsuit against Uber based on the background check process and questions why someone with such a serious criminal history was approved by Uber to be a driver in the first place.

In another case, a businessman claims that his identity was stolen by an Uber driver. He filed a lawsuit against Uber claiming that someone used his identity to pass Uber’s background check. The businessman discovered he was a victim after finding a tax form in his name with Uber listed as his employer. His lawsuit alleges that federal law required Uber to notify him before conducting a background check, which he and his attorney said never happened. Uber is accused of violating the law in this incident.

These lawsuits raise serious questions over how and why Uber would ever allow drivers who have committed serious crimes and driving violations to be trusted alone with passengers. Uber claims to have a “multi-step safety screening” process to flag prospective drivers with problem pasts, but lawsuits and settlements around the country seem to suggest a pattern of failing to conduct adequate background checks. Uber needs to work harder to ensure that their customers’ safety is a top priority.

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