Jupiter Island Committee Member Resigns Amid Antisemitism Accusation

Allegations of antisemitism have recently emerged in the town of Jupiter Island, Florida. The controversy ensued after a text message sent by Robert Geddes, the Pension Plan Committee Chair, offended individuals of the Jewish faith residing or working on the island. In the text, Geddes mentioned the need to hire an environmental lawyer from Tallahassee and made reference to “the Jills,” two Jewish real estate professionals who sold a property to Les Wexner.

Attorney Ethan Loeb, who represents property owners involved in a legal battle with the town over public records access and property development laws, discovered the text. Loeb found the message during the process of obtaining public records through discovery. As a member of the Jewish faith himself, Loeb explained to WPTV why he found the text offensive. He emphasized that the inclusion of the word “Jewish” in the message was unwarranted and irrelevant to the topic at hand. Loeb argued that such discriminatory remarks have no place in the community.

One of the real estate professionals mentioned in the text, Jill Hertzberg, expressed her disappointment upon reading the offensive message. In a statement to WPTV, she condemned the ignorant antisemitic comments made by Geddes. Hertzberg stressed that discrimination in any form is a breach of trust and should not be tolerated. She called on responsible and decent individuals to denounce hate wherever it exists, emphasizing the importance of standing against ignorance and discrimination.

Loeb formally complained to Town Manager Robert Garlo, urging the town to take swift action to dissociate with Geddes. Loeb’s complaint called into question the motivations of those working at the Town and individuals who seek to prevent Jewish individuals from residing or working on Jupiter Island. In response to the allegations, Garlo expressed solidarity with the nation of Israel in the wake of recent attacks. He categorically condemned all forms of racism and hateful rhetoric. However, during a subsequent Town meeting, Garlo made more detailed remarks, including a call for an apology from Loeb to the town’s employees.

The ongoing back and forth between parties involved in this controversy has left Jewish town residents frustrated. Dr. Susan Greenberg, one of the Jewish residents, recommended a town meeting led by local religious leaders to address the issue. WPTV attempted to contact Geddes for comment, but an individual who answered the phone stated that Geddes did not wish to comment. They also claimed that the text was taken out of context and argued that faith was being used as a divisive weapon on the island. The situation remains unresolved, leaving the community grappling with the impact of the offensive text and the appropriate response to address the issue.

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