Health Officials Remind Residents to Keep Cannabis Candies Away From Children

As Halloween festivities kick off in full swing, the California Department of Public Health reminds parents and consumers to keep their sweet-tasting cannabis edibles away from children.

Hemp-derived products with THC may look like trick-or-treat sweets — things like gummies, lollipops, brownies and the sort — but these products can cause adverse reactions in children. Though they may look enticing to eat, the state department said weed edibles can cause illness or even death for youth children.

Children who eat these products may have the following symptoms: sleepiness, diarrhea, seizures, uncoordinated movements, slurred speech, vomiting, low blood pressure, sedation or be in a coma, said CDPH.

The department said it has seen a higher number of cases of children accidentally eating hemp-derived products, and parents should be aware.

To keep these products away from children, the health department recommends consumers to keep their edibles stored away or in a locked location and not consume these products in front of children. Parents should also check their children’s candies after trick-or-treating and throw out anything suspicious.

If a child is suspected to have consumed one of these products, residents can dial 911, or call the Poison Control Hotline at 1-800-222-1222.

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