Former St. Lucie County Sheriff Ken Mascara faces probable cause finding by Florida ethics panel

Former St. Lucie County Sheriff Ken Mascara has come under scrutiny as the Florida ethics commission announced the discovery of probable cause that he misused his position to interfere in an election against him. This revelation was made public during an announcement in Tallahassee on Wednesday, shedding light on the unethical practices of Mascara during his tenure.

The state Commission on Ethics convened on June 7 in Tallahassee to address a total of 37 cases, with Vice Chair Michelle Anchors revealing that fifteen of these cases involved probable cause hearings. These hearings aimed to determine whether the allegations brought against the individuals warranted disciplinary actions, with Mascara being one of the focal points of the investigations.

One particular case referred by the Florida Department of Law Enforcement caught the attention of the commission, leading to a vote that confirmed the existence of probable cause that Mascara improperly leveraged his office and resources to support a campaign aimed at preventing a specific candidate from challenging his position. However, despite this finding, an allegation regarding the misuse of confidential information for personal gain was dismissed by the panel.

It is important to note that a finding of probable cause does not automatically signify a violation has occurred. The conclusive decision regarding Mascara’s alleged transgressions can only be reached after a comprehensive evidentiary hearing on the matter. The commission has maintained a level of confidentiality surrounding the details of the cases reviewed during the closed-door sessions held last week, adding to the intrigue surrounding Mascara’s actions.

Having served as the sheriff of St. Lucie County for over two decades, Mascara abruptly resigned from his post on December 1, citing health concerns as the reason for his departure. The revelation of his alleged misconduct has cast a shadow over his legacy, raising questions about the integrity and ethical standards upheld during his time in office. The implications of the ethics commission’s findings on Mascara’s reputation and future remain to be seen, as the investigation unfolds.

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