Florida Lawsuit Alleges GOP Lawmaker Engaged in Sexual Harassment of Aide and Intern

A lawsuit has been filed against Florida lawmaker, Republican Rep. Fabian Basabe, accusing him of sexual harassment. The lawsuit, brought forth by a former aide and a former intern, alleges that Basabe engaged in inappropriate behavior including repeatedly discussing sex with the staffers and showing them explicit content on his phone. Moreover, the aide claimed that Basabe physically touched him inappropriately during a classroom session, accompanying the action with an explicit remark. Meanwhile, the intern stated that Basabe advised him to end his engagement and explore sexual relationships with men. Additionally, the intern accused Basabe of groping and attempting to kiss him after a night of drinking, as the intern drove the lawmaker to a hotel. These serious allegations came to light during an investigation conducted by CBS affiliate WFOR-Miami and the Miami Herald.

In response to the sexual harassment complaint received about Basabe, Republican House Speaker Paul Renner’s office emphasized their zero-tolerance policy towards sexual harassment. Renner’s office further stated that an external attorney will be appointed to investigate the claims. They underlined that the Florida House provides all employees with an administrative policy manual that outlines the necessary steps for reporting allegations of sexual harassment involving Florida House staff and leadership.

Basabe’s lawyer, Robert Fernandez, made it clear that the lawmaker would not comment on the lawsuit. Fernandez dismissed the lawsuit as frivolous and baseless, and stated that Basabe will not engage in a public battle through the media.

It is essential to note that these allegations against Basabe hold immense weight and demand proper investigation. The situation raises concerns regarding workplace conduct and the treatment of staff members. The accusations put forth by the former aide and intern highlight the urgent need for accountability and a thorough examination of the claims made against the Florida lawmaker.

The Associated Press has obtained the exclusive rights to this report. Copyright 2023 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. No part of this material may be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed without permission.

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