A seventh grader stops the Michigan school bus with the sick driver

A dramatic event took place in Warren, Michigan, when a seventh-grader named Dillon Reeves emerged as a hero by taking prompt action to stop a school bus after the driver lost consciousness while driving on a busy Detroit-area street. According to authorities, Dillon maintained his composure and grabbed the steering wheel, bringing the vehicle to a safe stop before it collided with oncoming traffic. Dillon got the attention of dozens of other middle school kids on the bus, who he shouted at to dial 911 while bringing the bus to safety.

The schoolboy’s quick thinking has been hailed as an act of courage and maturity by Robert Livernois, the superintendent of Warren Consolidated Schools, who termed it an extraordinary feat. In a statement, Livernois said that he had worked in the education sector for over thirty-five years and had never witnessed a similar act of heroism by a student. The video footage of the incident shows the driver fanning himself with a baseball cap and expressing the need to pull over just moments before Dillon took charge of the bus.

The sight of Dillon taking control of the bus and averting danger is one that his parents, Steve and Ireta Reeves, have expressed pride in since the incident. Steve Reeve joked about how his son had been practicing driving since he was a child, saying he had been on his knees driving country roads and pulling into driveways. Dillon’s mother, Ireta Reeves, expressed how their son’s actions had brought the family together and instilled pride in them.

According to Livernois, Dillon’s action saved the lives of dozens of students on board, all of whom were safely evacuated by the adults out of the back door. Livernois expressed his deep admiration for Dillon and noted that the boy had helped avoid what could have been a catastrophic accident.

Finally, Dillon’s brave efforts have drawn nationwide attention, with people hailing him as a hero. The superintendent added that Dillon’s actions would be remembered for a long time, indeed. Meanwhile, Dillon has declined to speak to reporters.

Content and Photo credit go to Texas Standard

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